As a child I never knew anything of God and never went...

As a child I never knew anything of God and never went to church. At the age of fifteen I was all alone in Paris, working to support myself and helping to pay the bills of doctors and druggists for both my father and my mother, who had been sent to the country to recover their health. However, despite all drugs, changes of climate, and consultations with specialists, whom I begged on my knees to save my parents, they both passed on, as did one of my two brothers, and there was a strong desire in me that I might join them.

I then heard of Christian Science, which told me of a God of goodness; and this appealed to me, as I always felt very keenly the difference between good and evil. Shortly afterward an aunt in Vancouver, British Columbia, offered me a home, which was accepted, as I dreaded to live alone; but for the next two years I was still unhappy, mourning my people and wishing to be sick and die. My wish seemed about to be fulfilled, for the doctor who was consulted by the family said that one of my lungs was seriously affected, that I must be sent right away to a sanitarium, and that I could never work again.

While I was at the sanitarium a Christian Science practitioner worked daily for me and wrote letters which were a great help for a time, but at the end of two months, as I had been gradually getting worse, I was taken back to Vancouver to the home of some Christian Scientists, where the practitioner came almost daily to see me. From the first day I improved steadily. Though I sometimes got impatient, never once did I have any doubt of eventually being well, because as the practitioner would answer my questions about God and explain the way to Him in the light of Christian Science, I felt a new desire to live and try to follow as much as I knew the narrow and straight way. I ceased to think of myself as alone in the world, and learned that it was my right as God's child to be well and happy, and that nothing but wrong thoughts or actions could make me suffer. I learned to be thankful for all small blessings, and soon experienced bigger ones. I saw that since God is Life, without beginning or end, there is in reality no death, and that when I was crying for those I could not see, it was more through selfishness than for themselves. In three months I was declared perfectly well by the same doctor who had sent me to the sanitarium.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I send this...
December 2, 1916

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