I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...

I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings which have come to me and my family through Christian Science. I became interested in this teaching, not because of physical healing, but because I was hungry for the truth. I have learned during the short time I have been studing it that God does heal the sick and sinning, and restore peace and happiness where there is discord; that divine Truth destroys fear and discouragement, and is surely "a very present help in trouble."

I will tell of one incident out of many which prove to me that God is ever present and heals. My little daughter fell on the lawn-mower and cut the end of one finger nearly off. I was frightened for an instant; then I remembered that God is our life, that He is always present, and I need not fear. Very soon I was calmed, and the child also. I bound the finger in place, and in less than ten minutes she was on the floor playing blocks with the other children. Through the work of a faithful Christian Science practitioner the finger was soon healed. There was no inflammation or suffering, and no time was lost from play during this experience.

I also desire to express my gratitude for the privilege of sending my children to the Christian Science Sunday school, where they are learning the truth about God and man. This will mean everything to them in the years to come. My little boys have gained a very clear understanding, so that they were able to help me one day when I was taken with a severe pain in my side and unable to help myself. I am indeed thankful to God for this great truth which is making us free, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her untiring efforts in behalf of mankind. My highest desire is to be a loyal Christian Scientist.—Mrs. R. A. Whitney, Alhambra, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
If I were to attempt to tell of all the blessings I have...
May 1, 1915

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