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The California Christian Advocate recently published an...
San Francisco (Cal.) Examiner
The California Christian Advocate recently published an article in which the author claims to have made a careful study of Christian Science, and then quotes from Mark Twain and others who had written adversely on the subject. This proves that our critic did not look to reliable sources for his information. One who wished to understand the Bible would not study Ingersoll's or Paine's books, nor would he look to an advocate of allopathy for an elucidation of the homeopath's method of treatment.
There are thousands who gladly and gratefully testify to the fact that the study of the Bible in connection with the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has brought them health and happiness and made them better men and women than they were before. The testimony of these thousands of earnest students has more weight than the opinions of a few who have never laid aside their prejudices long enough honestly to investigate the subject of Christian Science. Christian Science does not ignore evil, but shows how it is to be overcome with the truth. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says: "At all times and under all circumstances, overcome evil with good" (p. 571). The Bible teaches us that God is the only power, and Science and Health states, "Every mortal at some period, here orhereafter, must grapple with and overcome the mortal belief in a power opposed to God" (p. 569).
This writer's remarks in regard to the dishonesty of some Christian Scientists are too absurd for consideration, and the time has passed when such an unfounded assertion would have any weight with thinking people. There were those in Jesus' time who called the Master a wine-bibber and a glutton, and refused to see any good in him, because of their blindness and prejudice. This critic says that if "Christian Science survives this age, business methods will have to be rigidly revised, as a result of the training the children are getting in denying the realities of things their horse-sense shows them to be hard facts." Christian Science teaches a higher sense than "horsesense"—even spiritual sense. Because Christian Science is demonstrable truth, it will undoubtedly survive this age, and aid in the overcoming of all selfishness, greed, and dishonesty in the business methods of today, for it stands for the highest honesty and integrity. As Science and Health states on page 453, "Honesty is spiritual power," and Christian Science teaches the overcoming of all evil, including sin and illness, through the knowledge of the omnipotence of God, good.
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February 20, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Income and Outgo
School Days
Ark of the Covenant
Eleventh-hour Men
Our Church
"Fowls of the air"
I prayed for wealth:...
Frank N. Riale
The Rev. Mr.—seems to consider that he is holding a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The report of a sermon on Christian Science, which was...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The California Christian Advocate recently published an...
Thomas F. Watson
The Rev. Mr.—is reported in a recent issue to have...
Ezra W. Palmer
Will you allow me space to explain to your readers some...
W. D. Kilpatrick
In a recent issue I notice the remarks of the bishop of...
John W. Doorly
Alone with God
More Abundant Life
Archibald McLellan
All-protecting Love
Annie M. Knott
"So shine"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from C. C. Ogilvie, A. Y. Scott, W. J. Leach, W. C. Jacobs, William B. Connor, Frank C. Rogers, L. E. Rudd, Frederick Baker
Sentenced to die by the unanimous vote of a council of...
Fred Arthur Mallery with contributions from E. L. Packard, Elden Lord Packard, Fred A. Mallery, Ida Kate Schultze
For several years it has been my privilege to read the...
Vernette H. Huntley
As I always enjoy reading the testimonies, I send my...
Emily Harding with contributions from E. Hawkins
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, Herbert Booth Smith