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I wish to give my testimony of the health, peace, and joy...
I wish to give my testimony of the health, peace, and joy obtained through the healing agency of Christian Science. While I was a student in school my health failed, and eventually I was compelled to abandon my studies, as heart, lungs, and stomach were in a badly disordered condition. I could move about only at a mere snail's pace, and was unable to do work of any kind. Later, physicians informed me that I had appendicitis, also tuberculosis of the bowels, and that I must be operated on for the former and go to another climate to overcome the latter. The appendicitis seemed to yield to the operation, and for a time I improved and appeared to regain some of my old-time vigor, but I had come to be so governed by fear, discord, and inharmony, of both body and mind, that I began to decline, and the physicians insisted that I should go West. This I did, coming to Texas from Illinois, and it was here that the gospel of Christian Science was proposed to me as a way to health and strength. At first I was skeptical, for I knew absolutely nothing about it; but I had been under the bondage of disease, sin, and discordant thought so long that anything which would relieve me must find favor in my judgment.
Then the kind-hearted woman who had proposed Christian Science to me, loaned me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and advised me to go to a practitioner for treatment. I did so, with the result that during the first week the tubercular affection disappeared, and I discovered that I was being transformed, becoming a new man. I was under treatment for four weeks, during which time I devoted all my leisure to the study of Science and Health and other Christian Science literature which was given to me. I could offer no opposition, and my old-time skepticism was compelled to yield to the power of divine Truth, for I had not read an hour before I realized that here at last was the righteousness for which my soul had hungered so long. It was as though I had been resurrected—and I really was—from the grave of mortal belief, fear, and discord, into the spiritual consciousness of omnipotent, immortal Truth, the eternal Life, Love, which overwhelms evil and all its manifestations, and proves Christ's declaration that "the kingdom of God is within you" by bringing peace and harmony into lives formerly governed by the erring precepts of mortals mind. I rejoice with Paul that "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
My gratitude for the power and demonstration of divine Truth in the physical benefits received is no greater than for the spiritual understanding, uplift, and hope that have come to me in my study, and for the illumination of the Scriptures which increases as I grow in understanding. Truly I have great occasion for rejoicing, for now I am well and strong, and I thank God daily for this divine Science which saves mankind, and for the wonderful woman through whom it has been revealed to suffering humanity.
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February 20, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Income and Outgo
School Days
Ark of the Covenant
Eleventh-hour Men
Our Church
"Fowls of the air"
I prayed for wealth:...
Frank N. Riale
The Rev. Mr.—seems to consider that he is holding a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The report of a sermon on Christian Science, which was...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The California Christian Advocate recently published an...
Thomas F. Watson
The Rev. Mr.—is reported in a recent issue to have...
Ezra W. Palmer
Will you allow me space to explain to your readers some...
W. D. Kilpatrick
In a recent issue I notice the remarks of the bishop of...
John W. Doorly
Alone with God
More Abundant Life
Archibald McLellan
All-protecting Love
Annie M. Knott
"So shine"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from C. C. Ogilvie, A. Y. Scott, W. J. Leach, W. C. Jacobs, William B. Connor, Frank C. Rogers, L. E. Rudd, Frederick Baker
Sentenced to die by the unanimous vote of a council of...
Fred Arthur Mallery with contributions from E. L. Packard, Elden Lord Packard, Fred A. Mallery, Ida Kate Schultze
For several years it has been my privilege to read the...
Vernette H. Huntley
As I always enjoy reading the testimonies, I send my...
Emily Harding with contributions from E. Hawkins
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, Herbert Booth Smith