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I learned of Christian Science a few years ago
I learned of Christian Science a few years ago. Six months before this time I was taken very ill, and was unable to walk or do any housework. The physicians first called the trouble rheumatism, but after a few months' treatment for this ailment, they decided that it was something more serious, and advised an operation. Another kind of treatment was tried for three months, when I was told it could do no more for me. The last physician who examined me said I had but a few weeks to live. I was at that time in intense pain and had a growth on my side. I had heard of Christian Science, but thought it was for people who imagined they were sick. At last, however, when weary of everything and about to have an operation, my husband's mother, although not a Christian Scientist, proposed that I should try Christian Science first. She called in a practitioner, and two weeks after the first treatment I started to do my housework and take care of my husband and two children. After three months' treatment I was entirely cured, and was not even lame. It is nearly four years since my complete healing, and I have never felt the slightest return of the trouble.
To say that I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and to all who helped me to get the true understanding of God, seems hardly enough; but I am trying to live this truth so as to reflect some light to others, and to tell the glad news when I see any one in need of help.
Mrs. E. Dwyer, San Diego, Cal.
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February 20, 1915 issue
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Income and Outgo
School Days
Ark of the Covenant
Eleventh-hour Men
Our Church
"Fowls of the air"
I prayed for wealth:...
Frank N. Riale
The Rev. Mr.—seems to consider that he is holding a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The report of a sermon on Christian Science, which was...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The California Christian Advocate recently published an...
Thomas F. Watson
The Rev. Mr.—is reported in a recent issue to have...
Ezra W. Palmer
Will you allow me space to explain to your readers some...
W. D. Kilpatrick
In a recent issue I notice the remarks of the bishop of...
John W. Doorly
Alone with God
More Abundant Life
Archibald McLellan
All-protecting Love
Annie M. Knott
"So shine"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from C. C. Ogilvie, A. Y. Scott, W. J. Leach, W. C. Jacobs, William B. Connor, Frank C. Rogers, L. E. Rudd, Frederick Baker
Sentenced to die by the unanimous vote of a council of...
Fred Arthur Mallery with contributions from E. L. Packard, Elden Lord Packard, Fred A. Mallery, Ida Kate Schultze
For several years it has been my privilege to read the...
Vernette H. Huntley
As I always enjoy reading the testimonies, I send my...
Emily Harding with contributions from E. Hawkins
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, Herbert Booth Smith