has long been considered a passive virtue, and one that, as expressed among mortals, often presupposes superiority in the recipient and inferiority in the giver.
A Young
Christian Scientist, who was also an ardent gardener, was at work in his garden one evening, when a teacher in the Christian Science Sunday school, who had been watching him for some time, asked him how it was with his garden.
"I am
living only one day at a time, and throwing off the old man of error each day with the word of Truth," writes a fellow traveler in Christian Science.
reading another's experience as given in the Sentinel some time ago, the thought came to me how long I had remained silent respecting the many beautiful demonstrations I have had in Christian Science.
It was with surprise and disappointment that we read in the Oberlin Review the résumé of an address by the president of Oberlin College, in which he assailed Christian Science and even sought to reflect on the character and motives of Mrs.
It seems strange that a minister of the gospel should malign and misrepresent Christian Science, which has healed thousands of sin, sickness, and sorrow, and turned them to God, when he should be preaching the gospel and healing the sick in accordance with the command of the Master.
his teaching that God is Love, the Master spoke not only for the essential nature of Deity, but, since love is revealed and discerned only in loving deeds, he spoke for the fact that this nature is disclosed in its activities.
with contributions from Henry E. Cooper, Jonkheer A. W. den Beer Poortugael, George B. Walter, Burton R. Cole, Paul Dansingberg, Virgil O. Strickler, Edwin G. Morse
Speaking to an appreciative audience that filled the Opera House, William R.
I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings I have received through the study of the Bible, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
My coming into Christian Science led up a rugged path of trials and tribulations, and now from the heights of joy and clear vision I look back over the way and think that my testimony may help some one else to climb and rejoice.
Being deeply grateful for what Christian Science teaching has done for me, I cheerfully give this testimony, thus to fulfil the law of Love, with the hope that I may encourage others who are in sickness and sorrow to study Science and Health and be made free.
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with contributions from Henry E. Cooper, Jonkheer A. W. den Beer Poortugael, George B. Walter, Burton R. Cole, Paul Dansingberg, Virgil O. Strickler, Edwin G. Morse