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Our Table
The opening words of the twenty-third psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want," are very familiar, and have often brought comfort and strength and assurance to those in want and distress.
Recently the writer was led to think about the following words from the same psalm: "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies," and she recalled the mental picture these words used to present to her when as a youngster in Sunday school she heard them read. Then, turning away from that picture, false and material, she tried to see what spiritual message she could now find in them. The old picture of one sitting down in complacent self-satisfaction, and enjoying all the good things a well-filled table had to offer, while his enemise were forced to stand aside and watch the eater's enjoyment, seems today crude, material, and personal. St. John tells us that "God is love," and so we find ourselves asking about the table Love has prepared: What must one do to avail himself of that which Love prepares? What would such a table contain? Lastly, what are the enemies referred to?
Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." In seeking the kingdom of God, mortals have to give up material beliefs and opinions, and learn to think rightly. The process is an educational one, and like all education, it is a mental process. Man's storehouse, or table, is in consciousness. The man who is a student takes pride in his library, selecting his books with great care as to authorship, illustrations, etc., while the man who is known as a "good liver" consumes much time on the choice of viands for his table. What about the man who seeks "first the kingdom of God"? May not thoughts be the wherewithal to fill his table? Each can choose, yes, be very particular about the thoughts he entertains. He can select and hold only those which are true, loving, helpful, and spiritual. Thoughts of fear, anxiety, and worry need to be banished as mental outlaws, for they are not in accord with divine Mind. They do not acknowledge the omnipotence of divine Mind. Christian Scientists are reminded that "right thoughts are reality and power; wrong thoughts are unreality and powerless, possessing the nature of dreams. Good thoughts are potent; evil thoughts are impotent" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 252). No one should covet that which is unreal, counterfeit, but all should learn and assimilate the real and true, so that they may no longer be tricked and deceived by the unreal.
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December 12, 1914 issue
View Issue-
Life and Enlightenment
Our Table
Reflected Light
God the Ever-present Help
Criticism versus Censure
Fear Overcome
Rejoice in the Lord
Any one who undertakes to state the teachings of a religion...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The comments on Christian Science by a writer in a recent...
Ezra W. Palmer
In a recent issue it is reported that "Christian Scientists...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The article in The Post Express entitled "Prayers for...
H. E. Chandler
I have read with considerable interest the editorial in a...
John L. Rendall
Oneness with Principle
Archibald McLellan
A Daring Deed
John B. Willis
Words that Heal
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Clippinger, M. E. Simpson, Ed. H. Jones, Hugh Hearon, J. W. Gray
When alternating between absolute indifference as to...
Joseph Herzberg
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice, I...
H. B. Des Voeux
I feel it is time I should tell what Christian Science has...
J. A. Willis with contributions from Maude Willis
In the following I would like to tell briefly of the blessings...
Frau Christine Schrecke
I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the...
J. S. Allen with contributions from Alice Allen
In reading the seventeenth chapter of Luke we find that...
Oscar Graham Peeke
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from E. C. Sawyer, Archdeacon Wilberforce