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A number of years ago, on the advice of several physicians,...
A number of years ago, on the advice of several physicians, I was about ready to submit to a surgical operation, when my attention was directed to two wonderful healings of malignant growths by a Christian Science practitioner. I had never before heard of Christian Science, and naturally understood nothing of its modus operandi, but the proof was most convincing and conclusive. One of those healed was a brother, the other an acquaintance; and the condition of both before taking up Christian Science was well known to me. Witnessing these proofs, I knew that a surgical operation was entirely unnecessary, and so asked to have this practitioner sent to my home. She called the following day, and began treatment for me and for my little daughter, two years old, who was a sufferer from what the physicians termed inherited tuberculosis. The child was in a very weakened condition and had a severe cough, but during the practitioner's visit, which was rather long, she was instantly healed, and has been in perfect health ever since. My own healing was accomplished in three weeks' time.
My husband was also in great need of Christian Science, as he was suffering from the same disease as the child, and his mother, sister, brother, with numerous near relatives, had fallen victims to it; but even after all these proofs, it seemed impossible for him to give up his doctors and medicines. Later, however, when these same doctors informed him that materia medica could do no more for him, and that it was their belief that he could live but two weeks longer, he immediately asked for Christian Science treatment. The same practitioner was sent for and began treatment, the result being that fifteen days later, Oct. 28, 1901, my husband returned to his office and at once assumed all his former duties. He has been well ever since. His case surely proved that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." Many relatives and friends, witnessing these marvelous healings in our family, were led to seek the truth, and today they are active workers in the vineyard, helping the cause to the best of their ability.
Truly, words are inadequate to express my gratitude; it must be expressed in deeds. My earnest desire is, as Mrs. Eddy says on page 4 of Science and Health, "for growth in grace, expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds," that I may "keep the commandments of our Master and follow his example."—
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December 12, 1914 issue
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Life and Enlightenment
Our Table
Reflected Light
God the Ever-present Help
Criticism versus Censure
Fear Overcome
Rejoice in the Lord
Any one who undertakes to state the teachings of a religion...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The comments on Christian Science by a writer in a recent...
Ezra W. Palmer
In a recent issue it is reported that "Christian Scientists...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The article in The Post Express entitled "Prayers for...
H. E. Chandler
I have read with considerable interest the editorial in a...
John L. Rendall
Oneness with Principle
Archibald McLellan
A Daring Deed
John B. Willis
Words that Heal
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Clippinger, M. E. Simpson, Ed. H. Jones, Hugh Hearon, J. W. Gray
When alternating between absolute indifference as to...
Joseph Herzberg
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice, I...
H. B. Des Voeux
I feel it is time I should tell what Christian Science has...
J. A. Willis with contributions from Maude Willis
In the following I would like to tell briefly of the blessings...
Frau Christine Schrecke
I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the...
J. S. Allen with contributions from Alice Allen
In reading the seventeenth chapter of Luke we find that...
Oscar Graham Peeke
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from E. C. Sawyer, Archdeacon Wilberforce