I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the...

I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the good I have received through Christian Science. One evening, about six years ago, I was eating fish for supper. I had always had great fear of a fish-bone sometime getting fast in my throat, and that very thing happened. I at once hurried to a physician, two blocks distant. He gave me some medicine which caused violent retching, but it had no other effect. He then ran a long steel probe down my throat, but after some five minutes gave it up and told me that he could not remove the bone. By that time I was so frightened that I hardly knew what to do, but I thought of a Christian Science practitioner who about a year before had healed my mother of stomach poisoning. I therefore called him up on the telephone, and told him the trouble. He said I should go home and not be afraid; so I went home and lay down. Not over five minutes had passed when there was a tickling in my throat. I remained very still, and then felt something on my tongue. I put my fingers in my mouth and brought forth the fish-bone, which was almost an inch long.

I have seen some wonderful healing done by Christian Science and have received many blessings, for which I am very thankful. I can only try more each day to live as our dear Leader has pointed the way.

J. S. Allen, Los Angeles, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
A number of years ago, on the advice of several physicians,...
December 12, 1914

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