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Among the Churches
Current Notes
Hartford, Conn.—At the reading-tent maintained by Second Church of Christ, Scientist, at the state fair, Charter Oak park, Sept. 7 to 12, there were 1,510 pieces of literature distributed. The success of the undertaking is not to be judged alone by the amount of literature distributed. The presence of the tent at the fair; the conscientious work done by those in attendance; the atmosphere of peace and harmony, which was commented on by many who were not Christian Scientists; the opportunities for an impersonal declaration of the truth, and the fact that many left the tent refreshed in body as well as in spirit, are proofs of the "signs following" of which Jesus spoke so often. It was with much gratitude that the public availed themselves of the privileges here offered, and the literature was readily accepted and read.—Correspondence.
Eugene, Ore.—The contract for the construction of the new Christian Science church at Twelft and Pearl streets has been let. The structure is to be completed by Dec. 15. The main auditorium will seat three hundred and fifty persons.—Eugene Guard.
Salem, Ore.—At the state fair held in Salem from Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, a Monitor booth with reading-room was maintained in the Educational Building. Last year a tent was erected on the grounds; this year space inside was secured. The week's work proved the wisdom of the change. We feel, too, that making the booth a Monitor booth instead of a denominational one, was a wise step. On the walls of the reading-room were displayed pages from the Monitor, each properly designated and mounted upon a gray mat. This enabled us to show the visitor at a glance the scope of the paper's work. Pages representative of the following departments were shown: International, Foreign, South American, Special Articles, Fashions and Household, Children's, Sports, Financial, Home Forum, Editorial, Advertisements. A show-case contained an exhibit of Mrs. Eddy's writings, while Christian Science literature for free distribution was made easily available.
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December 12, 1914 issue
View Issue-
Life and Enlightenment
Our Table
Reflected Light
God the Ever-present Help
Criticism versus Censure
Fear Overcome
Rejoice in the Lord
Any one who undertakes to state the teachings of a religion...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The comments on Christian Science by a writer in a recent...
Ezra W. Palmer
In a recent issue it is reported that "Christian Scientists...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The article in The Post Express entitled "Prayers for...
H. E. Chandler
I have read with considerable interest the editorial in a...
John L. Rendall
Oneness with Principle
Archibald McLellan
A Daring Deed
John B. Willis
Words that Heal
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Clippinger, M. E. Simpson, Ed. H. Jones, Hugh Hearon, J. W. Gray
When alternating between absolute indifference as to...
Joseph Herzberg
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice, I...
H. B. Des Voeux
I feel it is time I should tell what Christian Science has...
J. A. Willis with contributions from Maude Willis
In the following I would like to tell briefly of the blessings...
Frau Christine Schrecke
I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the...
J. S. Allen with contributions from Alice Allen
In reading the seventeenth chapter of Luke we find that...
Oscar Graham Peeke
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from E. C. Sawyer, Archdeacon Wilberforce