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Reflected Light
A story of childhood days, which memory has recalled many times since the coming of the light through Christian Science, is that of a lost coin revealed by a beam of reflected sunlight. A boy had received a bright new gold piece as a birthday gift, and while at play in his father's barn, the coin dropped from his hand and disappeared through a crack in the floor. Grieving over the loss, he ran to his father and begged for a lamp to take to the barn, that he might see to find the gold piece. The father, however, realized that the use of a lamp in the barn involved so great a risk that other means must be used to supply the needed illumination, and after explaining the danger in using a lamp in such a place, he had the boy get two mirrors. One of the mirrors was so placed outside the barn that light from the sun was received and thrown into the open door. With the other mirror in his hands, the father caught the sunbeam, reflecting it downward through one after another of the cracks in the floor, and soon the bit of gold, catching the ray of light, was seen and recovered.
The application of this simple story is almost too manifest to need explanation. Most of us have seen some of God's precious gifts to man—it might have been health or happiness—seemingly disappear from sight, and have longed to recover them, both for ourselves and for others. We may even have brought the lamp of human endeavor, of material means, to help us find the hidden treasure; but through the work of our revered Leader, Christian Science is established so that the light of infinite Love is reflected in all its pure glory. As we come into the path of this radiant beam, the accumulated dust of self-confidence, self-righteousness, and self-love is cleared away, and we begin to reflect health, joy, peace, and loving-kindness. The light of Truth and Love has revealed in hidden places the gold that was supposedly lost. This blessed privilege inspires increasing gratitude to the unassuming woman whose unselfed devotion has disclosed our Father's love for all His children.
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December 12, 1914 issue
View Issue-
Life and Enlightenment
Our Table
Reflected Light
God the Ever-present Help
Criticism versus Censure
Fear Overcome
Rejoice in the Lord
Any one who undertakes to state the teachings of a religion...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The comments on Christian Science by a writer in a recent...
Ezra W. Palmer
In a recent issue it is reported that "Christian Scientists...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The article in The Post Express entitled "Prayers for...
H. E. Chandler
I have read with considerable interest the editorial in a...
John L. Rendall
Oneness with Principle
Archibald McLellan
A Daring Deed
John B. Willis
Words that Heal
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Clippinger, M. E. Simpson, Ed. H. Jones, Hugh Hearon, J. W. Gray
When alternating between absolute indifference as to...
Joseph Herzberg
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice, I...
H. B. Des Voeux
I feel it is time I should tell what Christian Science has...
J. A. Willis with contributions from Maude Willis
In the following I would like to tell briefly of the blessings...
Frau Christine Schrecke
I would like to express deep thankfulness to God for the...
J. S. Allen with contributions from Alice Allen
In reading the seventeenth chapter of Luke we find that...
Oscar Graham Peeke
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from E. C. Sawyer, Archdeacon Wilberforce