Your contributor "Cecilia," in the illustrated section, referred...

Manchester (Eng.) Courier

Your contributor "Cecilia," in the illustrated section, referred to Christian Science as dealing in romance and make believe, but it would be almost impossible to make a more erroneous or misleading statement. The essence of Christian Science teaching may be said to be that in the measure we understand the truth delivered to the world by the Founder of Christianity, we shall demonstrate the saving power of that truth. Thus the demonstrability of the goodness of God and truth is insisted upon, and the daily demonstrations of the omnipotence of good which Christian Science brings to pass, are so many proofs that evil, or that which denies that omnipotence, is not of itself a reality or power; that it has no place in the one all-knowing Mind; that its supposed existence is only permitted through the fallibility of human concepts, and that it is, therefore, in its true nature a deception, a negation, verily a make-believe.

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