SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Responsive to the urgent need for larger quarters to accommodate the steadily increasing congregation, Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, in San Francisco, Cal., has leased the beautiful new Native Sons hall, with a seating capacity of twelve hundred, located at 430 Mason street, which they will hold their first Sunday service on the 22d instant. Ever since the organization of Fourth Church in March last, Elks hall, where its services have heretofore been held, has been crowded to overflowing, particularly on Wednesday evenings, and finally the need for more spacious quarters became so imperative that advantage was taken of the opportunity to secure this hall, which is nearing completion, and which has a seating capacity of almost double that of the former place of meeting.

The step it was found necessary to take in renting these quarters has proved conclusively the real need of a downtown church in San Francisco, where the conditions may be said to be somewhat peculiar in that this section, which is apartment house and hotel district, is a thickly populated one. It is safe to say that this demonstration of the city's requirements insures the establishment of a permanent downtown congregation as a feature of the history of our cause in this community.—Correspondence.

HUDSON FALLS, N. Y.—The Christian Science church of this village, in furtherance of its plan for securing a church home, has recently purchased a house and lot. The lot, which is about sixty-six by one hundred and twenty feet, is very nicely located on Maple street, one of the principal thoroughfares of the village, about five minutes' walk from its center, and is easily accessible from all points. The house, which is a large one, will be remodeled and made very convenient for the Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings, also for a reading-room. It will be ready for occupancy about Oct. I, and will very nicely meet the needs of the church for present. Since organization three years ago, this church has had a steady though not rapid growth.—Correspondence.

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November 16, 1912

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