disastrous results of working in the negative may confront even the best of Scientists at times, and to the young student in particular this confusing experience is only too common.
thoughtful observer of the times will ask as the question of today, What is the form of church government most consistent with the teaching and practice of Christian Science, and why is it so?
It should be remembered in considering or discussing the subject of Christian Science that it is essentially common sense and reasonable in its every application to human conditions.
The reference to Christian Science as a fad does not indicate the nice discrimination in language which should proceed from one occupying the position of a Christian minister.
If the committee of English physicians who reported in effect that all forms of mental and spiritual healing, in which they included Christian Science healing, were the result of mental suggestion, had really investigated the facts of the matter from the standpoint of the true investigator, they would have found:—
Members of the Christian Science church in La Grande have the thanks of the Obscrver for an interesting volume on the life and work of the late Mary Baker Eddy.
open warfare, when the aggressor heralds his approach with such bombastic challenge as that with which the Philistine giant advanced upon the army of Israel, one is usually on the alert and ready for defense; on guard, as it were.
struggle of unrestful sense has been so vast, so continuous, and withal so personal with each one of us, that we are led to think of it as the incense of mortal hope ascending for ever and ever.
the fifty-first Psalm we read, "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation," a prayer which finds a wonderful response in the Master's words, "I say unto you.
with contributions from Carl Grauer, John C. Ryan, Judge Erickson, Annistine Waterbury, GODET
A lecture on Christian Science was delivered by Bicknell Young, member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
We hear a great deal said about Christian Science parents leaving their children to suffer by not having materia medica, and I wish to give a fair statement of what Christian Science does for children.
I feel that I must show my gratitude for the many benefits I have received in Christian Science by giving this testimony, in the hope that it will help others who are suffering as I was.
with problems of a weary day,Condemning all whose words had caused me pain,I turned with lagging step my homeward way,And prayed that I might find the light again.
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