It is with a very deep sense of gratitude that I write...

It is with a very deep sense of gratitude that I write this testimony. After having had medical treatment for seven years, with two very good doctors, and getting worse all the time, a dear Christian Scientist advised me to give up material remedies and try Christian Science. In January, I905, I decided to do this, but not until I had fought a battle with myself,—a battle between the truth and error. I feared that if I gave up the medicine I was taking for heart trouble I would surely die, because my condition seemed to be very serious, and I wished to be with my family a little longer. Truth finally conquered, and I asked my husband to go with me to the lady who had talked Christian Science to me, which he did very willingly. This lady, however, was not a practitioner, but she took me to one whom she knew. After the practitioner had talked with me and treated me for an hour or more, we went home, and I had not slept so well in years as I did that night. My healing was instantaneous, although I had four treatments for fear after that. Under materia medica I had been advised to take medicine every spring and fall, because my liver was in a serious condition. I was also told not to do hard work, because that would bring back the nervous spells to which I was subject, but since I have tried Christian Science I am free from all this bondage. Now I do all my own work and am happy and free.

Since coming into Christian Science I have found that God does not send sickness upon His children, but He heals them. I am indeed thankful to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for Science and Health and all our other literature. The Bible is a new book to me; it is worth its weight in gold. Although my bodily healing was wonderful to me, it is as nothing compared with the spiritual uplifting which has come through the study of the Bible and Science and Health. It is my aim to live the life that Christian Science points out to us, and Jesus said, "By their fruits ye shall know them."—Mrs. Agnes Kessler, Sandusky, O.

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Testimony of Healing
I had what physicians called gall-stones for a period...
February 6, 1909

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