Christian Science was first brought to my notice about...

Christian Science was first brought to my notice about twenty-four years ago, under circumstances which prejudiced me against it for a time. A few of the believers in its teachings had organized a society in the city where I lived (Kansas City, Mo.), and were so enthusiastic in their faith, and what it was accomplishing, that they wanted the whole world to know of it. A young man from this society on several occasions attended the mid-week prayer and testimony meeting of a church wherein I was a member, and tried to tell of the new religion of which Mrs. Eddy was the Founder, and of her wonderful success as a healer of sickness, etc., until the minister ordered him to sit down, forbidding him to speak on that subject, saying that such talk was blasphemy. We of his congregation acquiesced in his judgment.

About ten years later two members of my family turned to Christian Science for healing, after the doctors had given up hope of affording them more than temporary relief. Their healing caused me to investigate, and finally with my whole family to accept the new-found faith. Divine Truth as revealed in Christian Science has been our only healer since then. I wish to tell of a demonstration which has proven to me that "the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."

Some time ago I had occasion to make certain changes in the electric wires at the bottom of an elevator shaft. After cautioning the operator in the car not to drop below the first floor, I proceeded to my work, under the car, while he made several trips above me. Then he thoughtlessly took on a passenger at the first floor for the basement, and quickly descended, the car knocking me off the ladder on which I had been working to some iron piping at the bottom. I cried out as I fell, and the car was stopped ere it quite reached the bottom, thus preventing my being crushed; but the fall bruised and lamed me considerably. When I emerged from under the car I was quickly surrounded by anxious fellow-employees, but I walked unassisted to my workroom on the same floor. declaring the truth on the way and declining all material assistance.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel it a duty to express my heartfelt gratitude for the...
December 11, 1909

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