One morning I awoke with a fear of impending headache,...

One morning I awoke with a fear of impending headache, and although I worked mentally while doing my housework, I did not get rid of my fear. Finally I thought I must rest and let God do the work. I had opened my mental doors and felt that I could not help receiving the truth. In a short time the fear and unpleasant feeling left me, and I unconsciously said to myself, "I am healed." Several people have remarked how much better I look since I have been reading the Lesson-Sermon all through each day. These are some of the minor blessings derived from Christian Science,—the overcoming of pride and worry, and I am learning to depend upon God more and more as the source of all supply. We have sometimes seemed stinted, as to the supply for our needs, but when we know the truth there is an abundance.

Through the understanding of a dear practitioner, our little son was completely healed of a dreaded spinal disease, which is usually fatal under medical treatment. The doctor who diagnosed the case, when our boy seemed about to pass on, has since pronounced him perfectly cured. The Sentinel, with its testimonies, has helped us so many times that we are sending this statement in the hope that it may encourage others. I want to add that the increased harmony and peace that has come to our home within the last four years is the greatest blessing of all.

Linda G. Baker, Scarsdale, N. Y

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my thankfulness for what Christian Science...
December 19, 1908

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