The Massachusetts commission on fisheries and game has announced the purchase of six hundred acres of land on Martha's Vineyard, which it is proposed to devote to the propagation of the pinnated grouse, or heath hen.
brief sketch of a very trying personal experience has been written with the hope that it may prove to be of interest and perhaps helpful to some of the readers of the Christian Science Sentinel.
one occasion, after returning from a Wednesday evening meeting, there came to me, as never before, a realization of the necessity of obedience to the Golden Rule—to do unto others as I would have them do unto me.
ago, in the American church in Constantinople, that grand hymn, "Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war," was sung by the congregation with such a true spirit that it rang out through the streets of Constantinople, and the Mohammedans gathered in knots and listened.
Back to the world of light and life and work, back from the dusk of creeping blindness which for a year and a half had shadowed his life and the lives of his wife and child, Howard Chandler Christy, famous artist, has resumed the work which made him famous.
Is it to be supposed that Christian Science parents love their children less than do other parents, or that they would carelessly or wantonly subject them to a treatment which they did not believe could produce results?
the close of Jesus' personal ministry he told his students that they need have no regrets because of his departure from their plane of experience, because the Father would send to them "another Comforter," who was to abide with them forever.
with contributions from William Channing Henderson, Albert Jacobson, Carrie L. Bliss, Emma A. Thompson, Abigail D. Thompson, Charles G. Baldwin, The Ushers, Sallie N. Chandler
Final negotiations for the purchase of three lots on the southwest corner of Second and Laurel Streets, which are to be used as a site for a handsome new church edifice to be erected by First Church of Christ, Scientist, have been completed.
In attempting to write my testimony I realize how inadequate are words to express the gratitude I feel for Christian Science, which came to me as an angel of light, at the time of my greatest need.
About two years ago I had severe attacks of earache, which increased in violence and frequency to such an extent that I had to call a physician, but he could not relieve me in the least and advised me to consult a specialist; which I did.
As I hear and read of the many wonderful healings that come from the study of Science and Health, my heart goes out in gratitude for this blessed truth that makes us free from sin, sickness, and death, and I feel it a great privilege to send my testimony to the Field.
So much joy and harmony have come to me through the promised comforter, Christian Science, that I am glad to give a testimony of my healing, with the hope that some one who is in need of encouragement will be led to seek the healing and sustaining power of divine Love as revealed to the world in Mrs.
I am seventy-six years old, and one year ago I took treatment in Christian Science and was healed of bowel trouble of twenty years' standing, also of rheumatic trouble, and have been earning my own living ever since.
Two sorrie thynges there be—Ay, three—A neste from which the fledglings have been taken,A lambe forsaken,A redde leaf from the wilde rose rudely shaken.
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with contributions from William Channing Henderson, Albert Jacobson, Carrie L. Bliss, Emma A. Thompson, Abigail D. Thompson, Charles G. Baldwin, The Ushers, Sallie N. Chandler