According to a statement issued by the chief clerks of the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations, Congress at its last session appropriated for the fiscal year 1907, $879,589,185.
mentality of one who is controlled by physical sense presents a striking contrast with that of one who has learned enough of the Science of Being to be led by spiritual sense.
our zeal that relatives, friends, or patients learn of Christian Science it might be well to remember the above texts, for until mortal mind is dissatisfied with what it has and learns the inadequacy of its own false theories to save from sin, sickness, and sorrow, it is not yet "poor" in its own sight, but believes itself rich.
resurrection of Jesus, together with his subsequent victory over all the claims of the flesh, was followed by a great awakening among his followers.
have carefully gone over your editorial termed "Truth and Error in Christian Science," in the issue of June 23, and it seems to us that what you have named as its "errors," are not real objections, in view of the fact that the classification is based upon misapprehensions of the subject rather than upon the actual teaching of Christian Science.
Referring to our critics' endeavor to test the power of Christian Science healing by seeing a so-called miracle performed, we can only say that if any one desires a proof that Christian Science can heal any or all diseases of mankind, even so-called incurable diseases, the opportunity is given to all to gain the spiritual understanding of Mrs.
and hearty appreciation of the new By-law regarding testimonials is manifest on every side, and this appreciation is so well expressed in the following letter to Mrs.
we may judge by the numerous circulars received by them, Christian Scientists are generally regarded as more than usually well supplied with money and quite willing to part with it on slight provocation, and as these circulars frequently bear the name of some one who thinks himself entitled to write C.
was speaking to a self-appointed critic when he said, "Ask now the beasts and they will teach thee, and the fowls of the air and they will tell thee;" but in addition to the rebuke thus administered, his words convey a suggestion of the range and value of the wisdom which may be gained by thoughtfully interrogating the gentle creatures so often chanced upon in our daily walks.
has been reported that "Christian Scientists from various parts of the United States and Canada are perfecting plans for the establishment of an International Summer Residence and Assembly Park," but we can say authoritatively that there is nothing in this report.
with contributions from Sarah Pike Conger, Charles M. Howe, Ella Lance Willis, B. E. Olin, Alice G. McRae, Clara Norcott For the Association, Abram Cook, Adelaide W. Veazey, Mary B. Woodworth
Christian Science has done and is doing so much for me and my family that I feel I must express my gratitude, not only to God, who has given us this wonderful gift, but also to our revered Leader, Mrs.
I had become throughly discouraged, and decided I would have nothing more to do with doctors or medicine, and I had adhered to this determination for two years before Christian Science was presented to our family, except when remedies were forced upon me in attacks of the throat and lung trouble of which I was a victim.
Those who have made application for membership in The Mother Church previous to June, 1906, and have not received notice of election, may send inquiries to the Clerk, William B.
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with contributions from Sarah Pike Conger, Charles M. Howe, Ella Lance Willis, B. E. Olin, Alice G. McRae, Clara Norcott For the Association, Abram Cook, Adelaide W. Veazey, Mary B. Woodworth