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A Changed Thought
A NOTICEABLE change has come over the religious press in general in its attitude toward Christian Science, and this change may briefly be described as a transition from unqualified condemnation to timid and partial commendation, from an attitude which regarded Christian Science as beyond the limit of Christian toleration to one which sees in it an available something, an influence for good, which the churches have neglected to their own detriment. Just how much of an advance this is, may be problematical, but we are inclined to believe that it denotes a very considerable growth in grace, notwithstanding the inconsistency which finds fault with the logic of Science and Health yet commends the results achieved by putting the teachings of this book into actual practice.
The American Friend says: "There are two characteristics of Christian Science that deserve especial consideration: its attitude of joy, and its message of health. . . . There is no question that the Christian Scientists have learned the secret of being joyous, full of hope and sunshine . . . hosts of persons have been made whole and sound by its [Christian Science] methods. There they are as evidence, and it is useless to take the old mediæval attitude that the cures have been wrought by Satan." Yet this editor says that Christian Scientists have arrived at these conditions by "very bad logic," evidently forgetting that Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? . . . A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nor can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit."
Zion's Herald, while admitting the good effects of Christian Science upon the lives of its followers, expresses disbelief in the truth of its teachings, a position which betrays inconsistency; but notwithstanding this inconsistency, we are bound to commend the following paragraph, for it displays a spirit of fair play and Christianity which is most creditable to the editor and to the denomination he represents. It is as follows:—
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July 14, 1906 issue
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An Interesting Letter
Effecting a Change of Thought
Materiality Unreal
The editor of the Herald, in his courteous rejoinder to...
W. C. Williams
A critic has said that he considers Christian Science a...
Charles K. Skinner
More than thirty thousand Christian Scientists from all...
with contributions from The Chatterer
Among the Churches
with contributions from Stella W. Hewes, Emma M. J. Kunze
The Lectures
with contributions from Mayor Gerber, Z. R. Brockway
Amendments to By-laws
A Changed Thought
Archibald McLellan
Prevention Better than Cure
Annie M. Knott
Scientific Discernment
John B. Willis
Letters to Our Leader
with contributions from William B. Johnson, William Lyman Johnson, Nellie Archer Aley, Martha L. Strang
When I think of all the years I have enjoyed since being...
Mary B. La Marche
Ten years have elapsed since I became interested in...
Lillie D. Storm
Christian Science came to my notice about six years ago...
Matthew T. Bayle
Christian Science came to me about two and a half years...
Emma Vance Hancock
I wish to add a word in support of the above testimony
G. L. Hancock
I have long wanted to tell the world of my healing...
Mattie Joyner
At the birth of my second child, in March, 1902, a great...
Rosie Theresa Robeson
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Amanda Faircloth
All my life I had been an invalid
Jennie E. Rankin
In May, 1894, I was obliged to give up my business, and...
Frank H. Dunton
The Unseen Friend
F. A. Owen
From our Exchanges
with contributions from O. F. Safford