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My attention was first called to Christian Science about...
My attention was first called to Christian Science about five years ago. At that time I was very antagonistic to it and would not listen to its teachings. I have since regretted the hard things which I said while still in ignorance of this healing religion and I wonder how I could have been so blind. I had many a severe lesson before I was prepared to accept the truth. Some three years later my daughter had appendicitis, and after being treated by a doctor for two weeks, with no apparent improvement, we were told by him that there was nothing left but an operation, which might not be successful. We then resorted to Christian Science, and in five treatments she was perfectly well. During this time I purchased a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and began to study in earnest, taking up the Lesson-Sermon daily.
In February, 1905, my entire family, consisting of my wife and five children, the latter being from thirteen years old to a baby of nine months, was stricken with small-pox. I was the only well member of the family and upon me devolved the entire work of the household as well as the care of the sick ones. Our case was duly reported to the Board of Health, and we were quarantined, but the services of the physician were declined. He was informed that we would depend upon Christian Science, but I invited him to call as a friend whenever he chose to do so. Our home is on a farm four miles from Pewaukee, Wis., and so great was the opposition to Christian Science in our neighborhood that I could not get any one to communicate for me with my sister, who is a practitioner in a city twenty miles distant, and for two weeks I handled the case as best I could with my small understanding. I realized then as never before that God is our only help. I studied the Bible and Science and Health every day and cared for the sick ones to the best of my ability. Finally, when their condition had become very alarming, I prevalied upon a neighbor to telephone my sister and inform her of our trouble. She immediately took up the case, working all night, and at midnight the fever had left the patients, and the next morning every one was up and dressed. From that time on they continued to improve steadily, until, at the end of sixteen days, they were perfectly healed, although it was not until about ten days later that the Board of Health would remove the quarantine. One remarkable thing about this healing was that no marks or scars were left as a result of the disease. Being then fully convinced that Christian Science is the truth that Jesus taught and practised in healing the sick and sinful, I decided to withdraw from an orthodox church of which I had been a member all my life, and I am now attending Christian Science services at Pewaukee.
Both my wife and I are very grateful for all the blessings which have come to us through Christian Science. I feel that this testimony is but a feeble attempt to express my gratitude, and my only reason for giving it is to help those who may read it to a knowledge of the truth.
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June 30, 1906 issue
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Christian Science and Health
with contributions from Frederick Dixon, M.D., Mabel S. Thomson
Spiritually Minded
Those who have attended the Torrey-Alexander meetings...
Albert E. Miller
To the Editor of the Morning Post
Helen W. Kelley
Southern India
R. Kolandaivelee
The Lectures
with contributions from Allan Schley, Clarence C. Eaton, W. E. Stanley, Hugh C. Smith
Mary Baker Eddy
By Way of Appreciation
Archibald McLellan
Regarding Patriotism
John B. Willis
A Vital Faith
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Grace W. Fairchild, Ella R. Parsons, Robert W. Tompkins
I was healed by Christian Science seven years ago
Melissa Hoffman
For a number of years I had been troubled with sore...
M. E. Stephen
I was troubled for over two years with my throat, and had...
Charles Ritchey
About twelve years ago, when going downstairs, I...
Virginia Babcock
When I first heard of Christian Science, I had been an...
Lillie E. Scott
During the early months of 1904 I had frequent attacks...
H. R. Fearnside
Five years ago my view of life was very distorted, yet...
Lizzie Halyard
Before I knew anything of Christian Science Mind-healing...
Florence Jennings with contributions from Frederic G. Sherman
In March, 1905, I was suddenly seized with illness...
Eveline C. Beals with contributions from Lucy Larcom