Attorney-General Moody, in a statement which had the sanction of the President and members of the Cabinet, says that criminal proceedings will be commenced immediately against the Standard Oil officials.
is the reward which crowns the effort of those who seek to be spiritually minded, but this peace has no stagnation in it, for it is the evidence of the perfect harmony of Life and its immortal activities.
Those who have attended the Torrey-Alexander meetings here in Philadelphia in response to the urgent invitations sent broadcast through the public press, at least have a right to expect that those who address these meetings should know whereof they speak.
We are not disposed to enter into any controversy with the Christian Scientists, and while we cannot agree with them on many points, we are not inclined to indulge in harsh criticisms of people whose lives are as beautiful as are the lives of those who live up to the teachings of Christian Science.
An interesting example of the way the truth of Christian Science will take hold and grow from the seed within itself, making use of whatever means are at hand, is shown in the starting of the work in Honolulu.
think that all our visitors during the past three weeks will gladly concur in the acknowledgment made by one of them to a reporter for the Boston Transcript, for there can be no question about the generous welcome extended to our friends by the people of Boston.
essential of every manifestation of true loyalty is adherence to Principle, and every lesser sense of it invariably leads to selfishness and illiberality.
is not strange that the coming together of such large numbers of Christian Scientists at their annual Communion and the dedication of the Extension of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, should have aroused much interest and called forth much comment.
About twelve years ago, when going downstairs, I slipped down two steps at once, which threw me heavily on one heel, dislocating several bones in my foot.
When I first heard of Christian Science, I had been an invalid for several years, suffering from nervous prostration and organic difficulties which all available material means had failed to relieve.
In February, 1885, I was instantly healed, through Christian Science, of what a physician, under whose treatment I had been for six months, called incurable uterine cancer.
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