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I was healed by Christian Science seven years ago
I was healed by Christian Science seven years ago. I had suffered for eight years with what eighteen physicians pronounced a cancer in the breast. Eight of these physicians were specialists. All but one told me the only thing that could be done was to have an operation. Our old family physician begged me to put off having the operation until it was absolutely necessary, as he said it was a stone cancer and of slow growth, and he would tell me when it could not be delayed any longer; which he did, and then told me there was no time to lose. I went to New York City to see a cancer specialist, and was there examined by two physicians. They told me there was no help for me but an operation, and also told me it would be of great extent and very serious. I then returned home and decided I would live as long as I could without an operation. The growth continued and the suffering was something which no tongue can tell. About this time my husband had business in California and we went there to live. I hoped to feel better with the change of climate, but after a few weeks I grew worse very fast.
This was my condition when a friend in Hornellsville, N. Y., wrote me a letter and advised me to try Christian Science. If I decided to take treatment, to telegraph to her, and she would put my case in the care of a Christian Science friend in Philadelphia, Pa. It took so long for letters to come and go, that I telegraphed the answer—"Yes." I had treatment two or three weeks before I saw much of any change; then the pain stopped so quickly and entirely that I was frightened, for I had not been free from pain one moment for so many months. Then the kernels began to disappear, the muscles grew soft and natural and lost all their soreness, the cancer grew smaller and finally all disappeared. I have been a strong and perfectly healthy woman ever since. At the time of my healing I was living in the mountains of California and my practitioner was in Philadelphia, Pa. I speak of this that others may know what wonderful healing is done through absent treatment.
I can never express my gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy.
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June 30, 1906 issue
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Christian Science and Health
with contributions from Frederick Dixon, M.D., Mabel S. Thomson
Spiritually Minded
Those who have attended the Torrey-Alexander meetings...
Albert E. Miller
To the Editor of the Morning Post
Helen W. Kelley
Southern India
R. Kolandaivelee
The Lectures
with contributions from Allan Schley, Clarence C. Eaton, W. E. Stanley, Hugh C. Smith
Mary Baker Eddy
By Way of Appreciation
Archibald McLellan
Regarding Patriotism
John B. Willis
A Vital Faith
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Grace W. Fairchild, Ella R. Parsons, Robert W. Tompkins
I was healed by Christian Science seven years ago
Melissa Hoffman
For a number of years I had been troubled with sore...
M. E. Stephen
I was troubled for over two years with my throat, and had...
Charles Ritchey
About twelve years ago, when going downstairs, I...
Virginia Babcock
When I first heard of Christian Science, I had been an...
Lillie E. Scott
During the early months of 1904 I had frequent attacks...
H. R. Fearnside
Five years ago my view of life was very distorted, yet...
Lizzie Halyard
Before I knew anything of Christian Science Mind-healing...
Florence Jennings with contributions from Frederic G. Sherman
In March, 1905, I was suddenly seized with illness...
Eveline C. Beals with contributions from Lucy Larcom