I was left an orphan at the age of ten years, and hardly...

I was left an orphan at the age of ten years, and hardly knew anything of a loving mother's care, so I grew up wild, without any thought for the future or for a higher, better life. My career was checkered at its best, and after attaining manhood I traveled over this country, and crossing the Pacific, lived in foreign countries for seven or eight years. All of this time I felt a sense of desolation and hunger for something which I could not define. I drank deeply of the cup of worldly pleasure and sin, and its consequences surrounded me till I found myself like a ship on the ocean without a rudder. Sin followed sin, till in 1903 I was incarcerated in the county jail at Salt Lake City, accused of a horrible crime, of which I knew nothing. I was without friends and without money, and in February, 1904, I was taken to the Utah State Prison and committed for the long term of eighteen years.

While in the county jail I heard for the first time of Christian Science, but it then seemed nothing to me. I believed in nothing, not even in God, and my miserable condition threw me into utter despair and darkness, from which I saw no outlet. Then a fellow-prisoner spoke to me about Christian Science and induced me to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." and it seemed to me that scales fell from my eyes, after reading and studying this book. Where before I was blind and in utter darkness, I now could see and find the way to salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. I saw that the message in John, 3:16 was not only meant for others, but also for me, and new courage and new hope entered my heart. I can truly say that I owe to Christian Science all that I am to-day,—a man who knows now that there is a better furture for him in living a spiritual life. The Christian Science services are held here every other Sunday and I am a faithful attendant. I have found inspiration and strength to become a better man, to lead a life free of profanity, hatred towards all mankind, and other errors, and I have been able to overcome the pernicious cigarette habit to which I was a slave for over six years. If I should ever again have the privilege to enjoy the liberty for which I so much long, I know that I shall be enabled to lead a Christian life. God surely heard my prayer when I cried to Him in utter despair, and may He be praised forever. Only by constant prayer can we go to the foot of the cross where we find the peace that passeth all understanding. May God bless Mrs. Eddy, for she showed me the way to God.

Thomas R. Fuller, Utah State Prison.

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Testimony of Healing
About nine years ago I was instantly healed of nervous...
December 23, 1905

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