I feel deeply grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the...

I feel deeply grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the love and wisdom with which she is constantly imparting the understanding of Truth to her followers, and give my testimony hoping it may be helpful to others. It was through the healing of a near relative that I first became interested in Christian Science. About twenty years ago I accompanied my mother to California, hoping that a change of climate might prove beneficial, as she had been ill for seventeen years and had been under the care of twenty-seven different physicians, none of whom had been able to accomplish her cure. During these weary years she had been obliged to learn to walk over again, time after time. Her condition was such, at the time we started on our westward journey, that it was necessary for her to be carried on a bed, and we were frequently obliged to stop at different cities to give her opportunity to rest. Many times during our travels the thought of Christian Science was presented to her, but it did not seem to appeal to her in the least, and after an absence of about five months with no relief whatever, we turned toward home. Under materia medica she had many times been subjected to surgical operations for the purpose of removing cancer of the bowels, and when her physician called, on the day of our return to Chicago, she was told that the knife must again be resorted to. To this she persistently refused to submit. The same evening an acquaintance who was a Christian Scientist called, and when she told how much she herself had been benefited through Christian Science, my mother decided to try its efficacy in her own case.

The following morning she was taken in a carriage to the home of a practitioner, and in a few weeks she found herself perfectly healed through Christian Science. This seemed so wonderful to me that I became greatly interested, and in a few months' time placed myself under treatment for consumption and other troubles. For years I had worn two internal supporters, and was troubled with severe chronic constipation, having at times hemorrhage accompanied with great weakness, so much so that I was often found in a state of unconsciousness from which I did not rally for an hour. Hemorrhoids were not the least of my troubles, and altogether I felt that I was in a very miserable condition, being nervous and melancholy. I wish to state that through Christian Science I am entirely healed of all these troubles, and words fail to express my thankfulness for all it has done for me and mine. I am most deeply grateful to God, and to our Leader, for the peace and joy it has brought to me. I rejoice in knowing that "The Lord is my shepherd."

Mrs. Sarah C. Hatheway Robinson, Cleveland, O.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to add my testimony to those of others, and hope...
December 23, 1905

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