I am led to acknowledge the truth of Christian Science,...

I am led to acknowledge the truth of Christian Science, which has healed me of neuralgic headaches, paralysis, inflammatory rheumatism, and other troubles. I feel that I owe to Christian Science, my life, health, and happiness. The understanding of God as Life, Truth, and Love, has brought a joy I cannot express in words. For all my blessings, physical, mental, and spiritual, I am grateful to God, and to Mrs. Eddy. The Bible, Science and Health, Quarterly, Sentinel, and Journal, are my companions. I love them, and the truth they contain is growing clearer and dearer to me, and when shadows fall upon my pathway I can now look up to my "Father-Mother God," and say, "I know that my redeemer liveth."

Mrs. B. J. Randall, Sea View, Mass.

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Testimony of Healing
It is not possible to tell in a few words the benefits which...
November 4, 1905

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