Christian Science and Surgery

WITHIN the past few months we have received many testimonies substantiating the healing of broken bones and speedy recovery from the results of various accidents, and while our limited space has not permitted the publication of all these cases, we have given enough to prove the truth of our Leader's words. "Christian Science is always the most skilful surgeon" (Science and Health, p. 402). The fact that one such testimony, recently published in the Sentinel, has called out a half column of editorial ridicule in a New York daily, fulfils the prophecy contained in the balance of the sentence just quoted; viz., "but surgery is the branch of its healing which will be last acknowledged," and without doubt this knowledge of the reluctance on the part of the public to acknowledge the healing power of infinite Mind was one of the reasons which caused Mrs. Eddy to write, "Until the advancing age admits the efficacy and supremacy of Mind, it is better to leave surgery, and the adjustment of broken bones and dislocations to the fingers of a surgeon, while you confine yourself chiefly to mental reconstruction and the prevention of inflammation" (Science and Health, p. 401).

The testimony referred to is that Mr. William C. Pree, a well-known lawyer in Boston, which appeared in the Sentinel of May 21. It was written January 12 of this year, and tells of Mr. Pree's condition on that date.

The following letter, dated June 4, gives additional information about this interesting case, and shows that Mr. Pree is even more of a beneficiary of Christian Science treatment than was disclosed by his first letter. M.

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June 11, 1904

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