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It is just three years since I first heard of Christian Science...
It is just three years since I first heard of Christian Science through the healing of a young lady in the church of which I was then an earnest member. I was deeply interested, for I was much dissatisfied with the general teaching about God and man, although I loved my church very dearly. I bought Science and Health and read it gladly. It opened up a new world to me. I wanted very much to help others, and it seemed to me that I gained the understanding very slowly. I began to wish for class instruction, but it seemed quite impossible at that time to get it, yet I knew that with God all things are possible, and trusted that He would open the way for me. A few months later the way was opened very unexpectedly.
Since then I have had many demonstrations of the power of Truth over error. About two years ago my mother wrote, saying she had indigestion very badly. She said she had given medical treatment but was getting worse, so she had given up the doctor and would like Christian Science treatment. She was entirely healed in two weeks. Some months later she had a severe attack of rheumatism. She wrote for help and in three days was well. Last summer we received an urgent message to go to my sister, about one hundred miles away. I did not know what the ailment was, but I held constantly to the thought that Life, Truth, and Love are omnipotent and omnipresent, consequently error had neither presence nor power. I did not reach the town until midnight, when I found that the doctor had sent her to the hospital, saying she had every symptom of typhoid fever. I saw her the next day, Sunday, and she was much better, and on Monday the doctor said her case was a fraud. She was out and quite well in three weeks from the time she was taken ill. When she had typhoid fever before, she was in bed sixteen weeks and had a long convalescence after that.
Last winter I was asked to help my brother who was out of work, and living at a distance. Through the understanding which comes in Christian Science, all his needs were supplied, and in less than a fortnight he was at work and has not lost one day since. Two years ago, we, as a family, were all scattered; now we are all living within easy distance of one another, and are united in the study of this glorious truth. Words cannot express my gratitude to God and to our dear Leader.—M. A. S., London, England.
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June 11, 1904 issue
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Telling the Truth
Vacation Thoughts
S. F. S.
Premise Precedes Conclusion
Great reforms will come about in God's own way, in a...
Lloyd B. Coate
A religion that bears fruit in the lives of its adherents is...
Luke wrote one of the Gospels and the Acts of the...
William H. Jennings
Christian Science does not tell people to heal themselves
Willard S. Mattox
The Lectures
with contributions from J. C. Royer, George E. Mitchell, W. A. Purington
"He Calleth Thee"
Among the Churches
with contributions from Anna Gyger Pierce
The Mental Murderers
Mary B. G. Eddy
A Generous Gift
with contributions from E.F. Hatfield, Mary B. G. Eddy
My Dear Sir:-I have your request for a corroboration...
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from R. E. Prince, Fannie H. Batts, Geo. H. Barrett, J. C. Batts, H. Abinger, Oscar E. Flint, W. A. Reed
I wish to recount a few of the innumerable blessings that...
Josephine McMaster
I became interested in Christian Science about three years...
Lillian A. Routzong
"Peace, be Still!"
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from C. P. Fognani
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase