The terms of ransom asked by Rasouli and his band of bandits who kidnapped the American citizen Perdicaris and his stepson Varley in Morocco are considered by the State Department as impossible of acceptance.
no question is more common in the experience of a Christian Science practitioner than that which opposes the denial of the reality of disease on the part of those suffering from it.
last I went away on a vacation there was a great sense of freedom, for I determined to leave every care or responsibility behind and have a complete change.
Luke wrote one of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, the first history of Christianity, and yet he does not record one word from Jesus or the apostles favorable to medicine.
with contributions from J. C. Royer, George E. Mitchell, W. A. Purington
Bicknell Young of Chicago, delivered a lecture on Christian Science, Tuesday evening, April 26, in Boos' Hall in this city, before a large and representative audience.
Being crowded from one hall to another our small congregation has finally purchased a church formerly owned by the Christian Church, and located in a desirable part of the city.
the past few months we have received many testimonies substantiating the healing of broken bones and speedy recovery from the results of various accidents, and while our limited space has not permitted the publication of all these cases, we have given enough to prove the truth of our Leader's words.
is an aphorism of the business world that it pays to follow the line of least restistance, and the practical wisdom of the proposition strongly commends it.
I wish to recount a few of the innumerable blessings that have come to me through Christian Science, and to thank the contributors to the Sentinel for the many helpful testimonies and articles they have given us through its columns.
It is just three years since I first heard of Christian Science through the healing of a young lady in the church of which I was then an earnest member.
One of the references in the lesson on "Matter" in the Christian Science Quarterly for March 13, 1904, was the story of the "three young Hebrew captives" and their deliverance from the fiery furnace.
stormiest sea there comes to me,A message from above,Mid the lightning's flash and the thunder's crashI hear the voice of Love:Peace, be still! is the whispered word,Peace, be still! be still!And the storm and strife of this dream land lifeAre calmed by the Master's will.
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