happened that I met one Sabbath day after the morning service a young man whom I did not recognize at first, though I was attracted to him in a strange way when I grasped his proffered hand.
the initial fact of creation, as chronicled in the divinely simple statement, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," to the consummation of all revelation, "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.
the very few errors editorially expressed during the recent gathering of Christian Scientists in Boston was one which attracted my special attention.
the bright waves of distant GalileeSoft falls the sunset light, with tender afterglow;And o'er the sacred haunts of himWho once oft lingered there,A golden splendor softly falls;And o'er this sea of gold there comes once moreThe heavenly echo of that voice divine:"Come unto me, all ye that laborAnd are heavy laden,And I will give you rest.
The theory elaborated in a recent issue of the Examiner to explain how Christian Science cures disease was quite ingenious, but to attribute the cures to "cheerfulness" alone is very much like saying that one would be healed if he took a certain kind of medicine, but not showing him where he could get the medicine.
A reprint from the London Times in one of your late issues, entitled, "Science and Religion," contains some exceedingly surprising statements with reference to these two terms.
The error which causes sickness is always Truth's opposite, a lie; hence it is the understanding of the truth concerning God, and man in his relations to God, which heals.
the publication of the article, "The Integrity of Christian Science Literature," in our issue of August 15, we have been given an opportunity to inspect three papers of the kind referred to.
is rather astonishing, as one comes to think of it, that we should find those who, for years, perchance, have been praying and laboring for the overcoming of evil, but who nevertheless cling persistently to the assertion of its necessity in the formation of character and the education of the race.
meaning the slightest disrespect to any of the other bodies of Christian worshipers by the assertion, we confess we do not think that there is a denomination that can truthfully boast of having a more intelligent, industrious, honest, moral, God-fearing membership than the Christian Scientists.
When I heard that I was to have a vacation for a couple of days, the thought came to me to make use of this opportunity to inform the dear readers of our periodicals of what Christian Science has done for me.
with contributions from Roosevelt, Bushnell, F. W. Faber, Albert J. Steelman, James Martineau, Amiel, Stephen A. Chase
Any one who observes closely the words and phrases in current use for teaching religious truth is impressed by the fact that a new phraseology is establishing itself wherever earnest men with a real message try by tongue or pen to gain the attention and the assent of their fellow-men.
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