People are to-day becoming more and more interested in "the kindred of the wild," and books written by observers of the action of the creatures that live at large in wood and field, are widely read.
is impossible to be a Christian Scientist without apprehending the moral law so clearly, that, for conscience sake, one will either abandon his claim to even a knowledge of this Science, or else make the claim valid".
Cheer up! The sky is bluerThan it was a year ago;The very smiles are gladderAnd have a richer glow;The raining and the sunshineAre helping you and me—The world is growing betterThan it ever used to be.
City Hall was filled Thursday evening, October 29, by a large and attentive audience made up of the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Nashua, and their friends, who listened to a fine lecture by Edward H.
Christian Scientists understand this Science to be the new-old religion which was taught by Jesus, and that its works in healing the sick, like its works in reforming the sinning, are inn obedience to Christ Jesus' injunction to his followers of all times: "Preach the gospel;" "heal the sick.
Christian Scientists believe that it is not Jesus' death, but Jesus' triumph over death that saves,—they do not look for life in death, nor for immortality in the grave.
No one disputes the right of Wagner to his style of music; no one accuses Martin Luther or John Wesley of "lifting ideas" from the Bible or from other teachers of Christianity; no one worries over the fact that the Druids, five hundred years before Christ, stated that God was Love; and yet because Mrs.
notify the public that scurrilous letters purporting to bear my signature—letters of evil intent—that I never wrote, never caused to be written, and never saw until they were given to me by the individuals to whom they were superscribed, are constantly being circulated.
The Pittsburg Dispatch devoted considerable space to a discussion, pro and con, of the merits of Christian Science, and while the discussion was interesting as revealing the various opinions of the clergymen, physicians, and lawyers who were interviewed by the reporters, it failed to present anything new in the way of argument against the practice of Christian Science in the healing of sickness and sin.
question of the extent and constitutional limits of the judicial authority has received an unusual amount of attention in late years, and in a recent editorial a leading American journal has referred to some aspects of the subject which are of especial interest to Christian Scientists.
the many helpful sayings of our Leader which are not found in our text-book, is this, "Not matter, but Mind satisfieth," and it touches the heights and depths of experience.
that letters have been received by persons, purporting to bear my signature, making complaint against them; one of those declares I had consulted a lawyer for Mrs.
When I was a child, a large copy of the Lord's Prayer hung over my bed, and every night for years I read it and re-read it; but it remained for the most part sealed from my understanding.
I deem it a privilege to acknowledge the many blessings resulting from the application of Christian Science to the experiences of every-day life; to reiterate my appreciation of its ability to meet our every need.
It is with the deepest gratitude to all helpers in the Christian Science work, that this demonstration is given, although no healer was asked for help in this case.
A belief—or opinion—that the Bible is the Word of God, even though it take the extreme view of absolute verbal inspiration, may co-exist with utter moral infidelity.
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