Moses was working to gain freedom for the children of Israel, who were bound in service to Pharaoh in Egypt, he performed a succession of wonders.
Contributions are most gratefully accepted by The Mother Church Treasurer from members and friends for the following funds:Promotion and Extension FundTelevision and Radio FundGeneral FundRelief Fund (For General Relief Purposes)Fund for Armed Services ActivitiesCharitable Institutions Fund(The Christian Science Pleasant View HomeChristian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, MassachusettsChristian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast)
Speaker: How tempting it is sometimes to hold on to the past and to believe that something that happened years ago can limit us or cause us unhappiness today! But we do not have to stay in bondage, as our guest found.
The Tuesday evening meeting of June 3, which took place in the Extension of The Mother Church following the 1958 Annual Meeting, is being shared by means of tape recording in English, French, and German, and by German, and by manuscript translations in Dutch, French, German, Spanish, and Swedish.
It has meant a right beginning! Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, pointed out how valuable this is when she wrote, "To begin rightly is to end rightly".
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