What joy and freedom must come to the unjustly accused when the jury returns the verdict "Not guilty" and the judge pronounces it. Freedom has been restored to the defendant; he can be as other men. It is as if the windows of heaven had opened for him and poured out a blessing.

Today there are many who are in the prison of sickness, fear, or lack, longing for freedom and for the verdict "Not guilty." In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy gives a most interesting and unique allegory in which she tells of a man convicted of disease by health laws and sentenced to die. Christian Science is then summoned to act as counsel for the defense. After much testimony on both sides, the innocence of the accused is proved. The trial closes with these words (pp. 441, 442): "We have no trials for sickness before the tribunal of divine Spirit. There, Man is adjudged innocent of transgressing physical laws, because there are no such laws. Our statute is spiritual, our Government is divine. 'Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?'"

How can suffering humanity plead "Not guilty" to mortal mind's constant accusations of disease, lack, or unhappiness? These very helpful words in Science and Health give us light (p. 391): "When the body is supposed to say, 'I am sick,' never plead guilty. Since matter cannot talk, it must be mortal mind which speaks; therefore meet the intimation with a protest. If you say, 'I am sick,' you plead guilty. Then your adversary will deliver you to the judge (mortal mind), and the judge will sentence you."

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February 6, 1954

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