Church Dedications

Note: Christian Science churches are dedicated only when free from debt.

The Post-Record

Camas, Washington (First Church).

Members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Camas, dedicated their church edifice on Sunday, March 4, 1945. In addition to the regular service a brief outline of the church's history was read. This follows in part:

In February, 1921, a group interested in Christian Science held meetings in the apartment of one of their number in the Camas Hotel. Later a room was rented in the building, and regular Sunday services and Wednesday meetings were held, a Reading Room was opened, and a Sunday school organized. After a few months this building was leased, and it was necessary to find another place.

After meeting in various locations the group moved to the Odd Fellows' Hall, and in March. 1924, Christian Science Society, Camas, was organized. In 1931, the society received recognition as First Church of Christ, Scientist, Camas.

In 1927, a lot on the corner of Fifth and Lake Streets (now Franklin) was purchased, and in October, 1937, construction of the present church building began. The first church services in the new edifice were held on January 16, 1938.—The Post-Record.

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