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Basic Work for Victory
It is clear that when one is in a conflict, his need basically is to deal with certain types of thought on the part of himself and the others involved. When these thoughts—greed, hatred, revenge, fear, limitation, and the like—are disposed of, the outward signs of strife disappear, because their root is gone. One of the great services of Christian Science is that it supplies something better than the ordinary human means for this essential work of victory over evil. It shows how divine power may be utilized to such ends.
The method and its value could be illustrated by countless incidents from the experience of Christian Scientists, but one will suffice here. A Christian Scientist had been confronted with bitter antagonism from an associate in his business for many months, and because of it was considering withdrawing from the business. He had done much work on the condition in Christian Science, and had grown in understanding and been comforted through the work, but there were no indications of healing in the relationship. Before deciding to leave the business, he spent a long luncheon period one day working still more earnestly in Science for the solution of the problem.
And in that period he gained the light he needed. He saw that he must—and could—go back to the office knowing without qualification that there was no presence there except God, good, infinite Mind, Life, and Love, and that the only kind of man there perfectly expressed that presence. It was plain to him before he started back that there had already been healing in his own thought, and he had hardly been in the office an hour when there was a spontaneous gesture of good will toward him from the associate, the first in more than a year. That was the beginning of the clearing away of the difficulty, and in a short time, after further progressive thought on the part of the Scientist, the healing was complete.
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July 25, 1942 issue
View Issue-
Finding God
"A scientific, right thought"
Translation, Our Spiritual Weapon
What Christian Science Offers the Man in Uniform
"As one whom his mother comforteth"
Demonstrating the Truth Where We Are
True Being
Instant Initiative
Peter V. Ross
Basic Work for Victory
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Cecil W. Van Landingham, David Miller Chittleborough, Charles C. Butterworth, Ellen Jobe Skidmore, Elsie L. Seaman, Herbert E. Hoffman, Virginia E. Thorsen, Avis Haselwood Danforth
I am glad to welcome you this...
A. Warren Norton
Fourteen years ago Christian Science...
Madge Fitzhardinge Seton
I wish to add my gratitude to...
Philippa Fitzhardinge Seton
I, too, should like to add to my...
Peter C. Fitzhardinge Seton
In gratitude for the many testimonies...
Martha L. Chappell
With the deepest gratitude I...
Irene Rogers
Does Christian Science heal infantile...
Anna Merritt East with contributions from Sarah M. East
I wish to express gratitude for...
Emil H. Bauch
This testimony is prompted by...
Patti Bird
I am most grateful for Christian Science
Emma B. Dunham with contributions from Emma L. Beekman
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John H. K. Miller, Charles S. Ryckman, Lester Westerberg