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Corrective Examination
[Written Especially for Young People]
Often we find ourselves at a point in our experience where we see there is a need for correction. When the error in question is disclosed to us, we cannot continue doing things in the same old way. How good it is to learn in Christian Science how to rectify the mistake so that our daily journey may be smooth, safe, and harmonious!
The one seeking scientific correction will find many avenues of aid and assistance as he turns to divine Principle wholeheartedly when it is evident that a mistake has been made. The assistance we need may come directly to us through spiritual inspiration. Or it may come through family, friends, Sunday school teacher, or practitioner, who with love, compassion, tenderness, and understanding will set us on the straight path. The way of scientific correction is not through enlarging upon the error, but through helping one to see and to prove its nothingness. Thus, the one needing correction will learn that man, as the reflection of Principle, never makes a mistake. The human belief in a mistake has to be uncovered, and replaced with the realization of God's allness and perfection. Mrs. Eddy states in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 206): "Omnipotent and infinite Mind made all and includes all. This Mind does not make mistakes and subsequently correct them." Working from the standpoint of one Mind, divine Principle, one sees that all true correction is spiritually mental.
A teacher in a Christian Science Sunday School was once asked to help a pupil with a school examination problem. As the work was completed, and the pupil came out successfully, the teacher could not help desiring the same simplicity in the solution of her own and world problems. This turned thought to self-examination. It was seen that each individual, in various experiences, may face tests and examinations which force him to go up higher in order to see the nothingness of error. As he goes through these tests and examinations with the absolute confidence and assurance that the divine Mind contains the answer or solution, the situation is adjusted and the end attained. We read in Isaiah, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
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May 1, 1937 issue
View Issue-
The Christian Science Pastor
Uninterrupted Continuity of Good
"The good things of life"
Awake and Listening
The Omnipresence of Good
No Lack of Time
Corrective Examination
Your issue of May 5 carries an announcement in which...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., former Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
May I be permitted a brief reply to a criticism of the...
Albert J. Windle, Committee on Publication for Nottinghamshire, England,
In a recent issue, under the heading of "Pacifism Attacked,"...
Edgar Gale Harris, Committee on Publication for South Island, New Zealand,
From a letter dated 1901
"My refuge and my fortress"
Duncan Sinclair
Faith and Understanding
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Laurie Bateman
It is with great gratitude that I send this testimony of...
Frances E. Thompson
When Christian Science came into our home, sickness...
George A. Dohn with contributions from Mabel B. Dohn
When I came in contact with Christian Science for the...
Inge Twittmeyer
With a sincere desire to help others as I have been...
Margaret F. Burnett with contributions from Mary Lou Burnett
Christian Science has done so much for me that in expressing...
Harold A. Strommer
For all the blessings which I am receiving every day,...
Nelly B. Calame-Rosset
No one can have more reason for gratitude than I for...
Lucille G. Fetner
My Heart Is Fixed
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. R. Matthews, Samuel Trexler, Wallace W. Hall, Jr., Philip M. Styles, J. L. Newland, Hillerman