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I have experienced so many blessings from Christian Science...
I have experienced so many blessings from Christian Science in the past eighteen years that I send this grateful testimony in the hope that it may prove helpful to others.
I have had healings of moral, physical, and financial difficulties through the application of the truth as taught in Christian Science. A broken kneecap was healed in one week, and a dislocated shoulder instantaneously. An eye trouble and throat trouble of many years' standing yielded quickly to the power of Truth as a result of my reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. One evening I sprained my wrist as I was hastening to a business appointment. I dismissed the condition from thought as best I could, but all through the evening the wrist pained me considerably. On arriving home late, I retired immediately without doing any special mental work for the wrist. I awoke at three o'clock in the morning with excruciating pain. My arm felt swollen to the shoulder. I reached for Science and Health, realizing as I did so that my healing would come from reading the book. Opening it at random to page 160, where it speaks of muscles and bones, I read for about half an hour and was healed. The next morning all trace of the condition had disappeared. A growth on my foot and one on the back of my neck also disappeared.
My husband was healed of a broken wrist in four days' time. At another time, my daughter recovered from scarlet fever in five days, and was back in school the following week entirely well.
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August 17, 1935 issue
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"I will trust, and not be afraid"
The Perfect Man
"Come unto me"
Spiritual Mountaineering
Love Is Ever Present
Diligent in Business
From the contents of the Open Forum department in...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In the Sussex Daily News of the twenty-first instant there...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
In the article "Spiritual Healing for Unitarians," in your...
William K. Primrose,
May I again have space to reply to questions regarding...
George H. Kitendaugh, Committee on Publication for Jamaica, British West Indies,
Spiritual Quickening
Violet Ker Seymer
Humility and Dominion
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Richard Fullington Stevens, Lilly Ambler Swindell, Early Carlton Crabtree, G. Wallace West, Clarence W. Murch
Many years ago my mother, after a number of operations,...
Joseph L. Hartman
When Christian Science first came into my experience,...
Olga C. Foreman
For a long time I have wanted to express something of...
Mabel E. Imrie Evans
I have experienced so many blessings from Christian Science...
Corra Beach Shumway with contributions from Walter Shumway
Christian Science is the greatest blessing that ever came...
Ida V. Leonard
Words fail me when I endeavor to express my thankfulness...
Douglas R. Aitken with contributions from Rose Aitken, Harold Aitken
About eleven years ago I received an injury to the hip...
Myrtle E. Conklin
It is with great joy and gratitude that I send my testimony...
Minnie I. Symonds
The Deliverer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank E. Gannett