I should like to testify to the many healings which have...

I should like to testify to the many healings which have been brought to us as a family through Christian Science. My first healing—of pus in the gall bladder—was instantaneous. Three doctors had said that only an operation could cure me. This healing was brought about ten years ago through one absent treatment by a Christian Science practitioner, and it has been permanent.

Later, I earnestly took up the study of this Science, and I am now a member of a branch church. With the help of a practitioner I have had healings of eczema, an internal growth, and convulsions. These conditions were beautifully overcome, but took a little longer than the first healing.

My sons have experienced instantaneous healings of scarlet fever, frost bite, tonsillitis, broken bones of the hand, a broken arm, zinc poisoning, and many other discordant conditions. Also, one of them had a trying experience one Saturday night while riding on a motor cycle over mountain roads, wherein he had certain proof of divine protection. For over nine years he had been a pupil in the Christian Science Sunday School, having had an almost perfect attendance record. He knew that error could not rob him this Sunday. Upon reaching home, he made a quick change of clothing and was at Sunday school on time. During the fourteen hours he was gone, we were wonderfully sustained and comforted by our understanding of God's presence and care for His children.

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Testimony of Healing
Many years ago my mother, after a number of operations,...
August 17, 1935

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