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Signs of the Times
[Rev. Edward Archibald Thompson, as quoted in the Grand Rapids Press, Michigan]
Love is the great thing. Love God—love your fellow man. If you truly do this all your differences will disappear and you will be united in a common bond of fellowship and service. The old theology held that heaven rewarded a man for having suffered in this life. In Jonathan Edwards' day justice and punishment were dominant elements in religion. Later, penance marked one's way to glory. Today we are taking Jesus in earnest and beginning to emphasize the gospel of love. Today we want to know how to order our lives that they may be useful and bring abiding happiness.
Love is a way of life. It is not mere sentimentality. It is positive, not negative. It is buoyant, not depressing. It is creative, not destructive. Many things have failed: militarism has failed miserably; materialism has failed to give the fruits it promised; science has failed; ecclesiasticism has failed; but over against these failures we hear like an everlasting whisper the words, Love never faileth. We know the truth of this when we realize that the greatest successes in human life come from the areas where love has been most completely tried. We know that all homes are not uniformly successful, but in proportion as love illuminates it, that home is happy. Here is the circle where strife and competition give way to loving service in which each contributes to the welfare and happiness of the other.
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June 8, 1935 issue
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"Keep the door of my lips"
Duty and Ability
Assimilating Truth
The Kingdom of God within Us
The Inward Voice
Our Work and Our Pay
Using the Rules
In your issue of January 8 appeared a report of a sermon...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for North Carolina,
"Bible Student," referring to recent correspondence between...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In a political radiocast during the noon hour today one...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science reveals the spiritual law which underlay...
Frederick H. Astley Woodward, Committee on Publication for Devonshire, England,
To Him That is Athirst
Duncan Sinclair
Testifying for Truth
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Vivien U. Willard, Fae Southard Banko
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy...
Anne Ellen Van Buuren
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science, because...
Lucy M. Barnes
The Psalmist sang, "He brought me up also out of an...
Clarine Neathery
Christian Science came into my life in 1922
Kurt Anders with contributions from Gertrud Anders
I found Christian Science at a time of great need
Beatrice Avery Welton
It is about twelve years since I first took up the study of...
Edith F. Campbell
After many years of studying Christian Science, of having...
Caroline Davies with contributions from William C. Boone
Christian Science was first brought to my attention more...
Edith H. Church
It has been my desire for a long time to express my deep...
G. Brinton Campbell
The Love of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward Archibald Thompson, Roger W. Babson, A Correspondent, Thomas Anderson, Frederick H. Knubel