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Assimilating Truth
The word "assimilation," from a physiological standpoint, means a building up of the so-called nutritive substances and absorbing or appropriating of needed nourishment. From the mental standpoint in Christian Science, "assimilation" means incorporating into one's thinking the very Word which the Apostle John referred to when he said, "And the Word was God." Christian Science, which, Mrs. Eddy declares (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 271), "rests on oneness; one cause and one effect," does away with the belief of two opposing powers. The infinity of God, good, makes an opposite evil or material presence, power, or condition impossible. The work of a metaphysician is to cultivate and appropriate the good which God has already bestowed, for only by so doing can he nourish his spiritual sense, the sense through which he becomes aware of reality, of his divine sonship and his God-given dominion.
Hungering after righteousness, the Christian Scientist does not give merely intellectual assent to God as being All. Rather does he exercise his intuitive conviction that God actually is the source, substance, and condition of all that is. This establishment of the activity of Truth in individual human consciousness results in progress and brings about any corrective and alterative effect which may be needed; for it is the nature of Truth to invigorate and sustain; and at the same time this activity purifies thought and counteracts error.
Early in the experience of the student the realization comes that to live and grow in grace without actually partaking of and assimilating the bread of heaven, is as impossible as would be the attempt to sustain so-called physical life indefinitely without proper nourishment. He sees the futility of trying to go on without partaking of Truth, and early forms the habit of drawing apart from material demands and refreshing himself with spiritual facts. As he learns to think in accord with God instead of thinking about Him, he nourishes his understanding, and builds up in himself a veritable wall of defense against any suggestion of another power or presence besides the omnipotent God. The conflict which appears to be going on in human consciousness he sees as the result of ignorance of God opposing the truth, and of failure to understand the nature of evil and nullify its operation. And he bends his every effort toward assimilating spiritual ideas, which, in turn, silence conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs.
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June 8, 1935 issue
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"Keep the door of my lips"
Duty and Ability
Assimilating Truth
The Kingdom of God within Us
The Inward Voice
Our Work and Our Pay
Using the Rules
In your issue of January 8 appeared a report of a sermon...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for North Carolina,
"Bible Student," referring to recent correspondence between...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In a political radiocast during the noon hour today one...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science reveals the spiritual law which underlay...
Frederick H. Astley Woodward, Committee on Publication for Devonshire, England,
To Him That is Athirst
Duncan Sinclair
Testifying for Truth
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Vivien U. Willard, Fae Southard Banko
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy...
Anne Ellen Van Buuren
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science, because...
Lucy M. Barnes
The Psalmist sang, "He brought me up also out of an...
Clarine Neathery
Christian Science came into my life in 1922
Kurt Anders with contributions from Gertrud Anders
I found Christian Science at a time of great need
Beatrice Avery Welton
It is about twelve years since I first took up the study of...
Edith F. Campbell
After many years of studying Christian Science, of having...
Caroline Davies with contributions from William C. Boone
Christian Science was first brought to my attention more...
Edith H. Church
It has been my desire for a long time to express my deep...
G. Brinton Campbell
The Love of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward Archibald Thompson, Roger W. Babson, A Correspondent, Thomas Anderson, Frederick H. Knubel