the Psalmist entreated, "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips," he uttered a prayer the spirit of which every student of Christian Science may wisely make his own.
to fulfillment a worthy undertaking, achieving success in legitimate business, proving the presence of wisdom, understanding, and ability with which to meet pressing problems, are worth-while accomplishments.
word "assimilation," from a physiological standpoint, means a building up of the so-called nutritive substances and absorbing or appropriating of needed nourishment.
with the problem of unemployment, slack business, or insufficient supply, a Christian Scientist may be tempted to query: How is it that some people who know little or nothing about spiritual law have been able to secure or maintain satisfactory employment or a flourishing business and abundant supply, whereas some faithful students of Christian Science, or divine law, have apparently failed to secure the desired results?
indeed is the voice within—spiritual sense—that points the way and leads into untrod paths where one gains a larger vision of God-given opportunities.
people starting out on life's journey would be well advised to get a clear concept of what their lifework really is, and what constitutes the true pay for this work.
understand, to love and live all good,To grasp the blessing of some cleansing fire,To see as perfect one pure brotherhood,To do God's work—this is my deep desire.
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for North Carolina,
In your issue of January 8 appeared a report of a sermon in which a minister was quoted as saying that "no true Christian will deny the reality of sin.
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
"Bible Student," referring to recent correspondence between a lecturer and an adherent of Christian Science, commends the reading of II Timothy 3:7–9, in order that it may be seen whether it "has any bearing on the subject, psychological or otherwise," stating that, in his opinion, "medical science, psychological science, and all other proved sciences have their very useful functions to perform, but.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In a political radiocast during the noon hour today one of the speakers was introduced as a "Christian Science practitioner authorized by The Mother Church in Boston.
A crystal
river of divine life flowethOut from the presence of the blessed One,Bringing sweet peace and joy to him who knowethThat God forever is a shield and sun.
is arresting, if not startling, to learn through Christian Science that in his thinking each individual is continually testifying to something—to Truth or error, good or evil, Spirit or matter, Life or death.
A recent writer on economics has said that in times of so-called depression mankind resorts to all sorts of schemes for supply; that is, men look to their government to donate sums, large in the aggregate, although these funds must be raised by taxes and levies; they adopt questionable means of raising revenue, such as lotteries, betting, and other methods that have, through bitter experience and sorry awakening, been proved demoralizing.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy, who brought Christian Science within the reach of all, that I testify to the beautiful healings I have had since becoming interested in the study of this Science.
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science, because through the study and application of its teachings, given in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, joy and peace have taken the place of fear and discontent in our home.
Caroline Davies
with contributions from William C. Boone
After many years of studying Christian Science, of having the privilege of subscribing for its wonderful literature, of being a member of The Mother Church, and of having the joy of spending a time in the heavenly atmosphere of the beautiful home of The Christian Science Benevolent Association at Chestnut Hill, I am aware that it is high time for me to join in the paean of praise for innumerable healings, mental and physical.
It has been my desire for a long time to express my deep gratitude for my early experiences in Christian Science, to which I was brought through a remarkable circumstance.
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