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Christian Science was first brought to my attention more...
Christian Science was first brought to my attention more than twenty years ago. While spending a summer near Boston I met a Christian Scientist, who asked me if I should like to attend a testimony meeting at The Mother Church in Boston. I went with her out of curiosity; I knew nothing at all of this Science. The Wednesday evening meeting impressed me very much, and a testimony heard there prompted me to obtain from a public library a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and to read it. A year later my interest in Christian Science was revived, and I bought a textbook of my own, and still later I became a member of a branch church; but for a number of years I made little progress in the study of this Science, because I was more anxious to obtain physical healing than to gain an understanding of God.
I had a wonderful healing of partial deafness, a condition which had appeared as a result of influenza during the war, and which troubled me for over a year before the healing was complete; but in spite of this proof of the efficacy of Truth I did not realize all the blessings that could come through Christian Science. Finally, about five years ago, I realized more keenly my need of this Science; and the practitioner who helped me lovingly pointed out that if I wished to be healed I must study the truth. I have always been so grateful for this awakening, since it led me to membership in The Mother Church, to class instruction, and to greater co-operation in church work.
For the last two or three years I have had two little children in my charge, and am more grateful each day for the help and inspiration which Christian Science gives in caring for and training them. At one time, one of the little ones was ill, but through my study and the help of a practitioner she was quickly and completely healed.
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June 8, 1935 issue
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"Keep the door of my lips"
Duty and Ability
Assimilating Truth
The Kingdom of God within Us
The Inward Voice
Our Work and Our Pay
Using the Rules
In your issue of January 8 appeared a report of a sermon...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for North Carolina,
"Bible Student," referring to recent correspondence between...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In a political radiocast during the noon hour today one...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science reveals the spiritual law which underlay...
Frederick H. Astley Woodward, Committee on Publication for Devonshire, England,
To Him That is Athirst
Duncan Sinclair
Testifying for Truth
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Vivien U. Willard, Fae Southard Banko
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy...
Anne Ellen Van Buuren
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science, because...
Lucy M. Barnes
The Psalmist sang, "He brought me up also out of an...
Clarine Neathery
Christian Science came into my life in 1922
Kurt Anders with contributions from Gertrud Anders
I found Christian Science at a time of great need
Beatrice Avery Welton
It is about twelve years since I first took up the study of...
Edith F. Campbell
After many years of studying Christian Science, of having...
Caroline Davies with contributions from William C. Boone
Christian Science was first brought to my attention more...
Edith H. Church
It has been my desire for a long time to express my deep...
G. Brinton Campbell
The Love of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward Archibald Thompson, Roger W. Babson, A Correspondent, Thomas Anderson, Frederick H. Knubel