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"Sickness as only thought"
On page 208 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," in a paragraph with the marginal heading "Sickness as only thought," Mrs. Eddy makes the following declaration: "A material body only expresses a material and mortal mind. A mortal man possesses this body, and he makes it harmonious or discordant according to the images of thought impressed upon it. You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness." And thereby she sets forth facts of great importance to mankind, facts which were almost entirely hidden until Christian Science revealed them, facts the understanding of which opens up unlimited possibilities of betterment to the human race.
Let us see how Christian Science enables one to reach the conclusions drawn by our Leader. God is infinite Mind. Mind expresses itself in ideas. Hence, Mind's creation, including individual man, is spiritual, not material. Indeed, since Mind, or Spirit, is infinite, in reality there is no material creation, no material or mortal man. What is called a mortal is an illusory or false concept of man. Further, since God is infinite good, what men call evil is unreal, whatever form it may seem to take. As these things are discerned, one sees not only the erroneous nature of a so-called material body, but also the unreal nature of a diseased or sick material body.
The position, then, as Christian Science reveals it is that the real man exists, spiritual and perfect, conscious only of good, but that there seems also to exist a material or mortal man, apparently conscious of both good and evil, and that this mortal man appears to be healthy or sick according to the thoughts delineated on a so-called material body. The problem is how to govern this so-called body by right thinking. On this point the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science writes (Science and Health, p. 167): "The scientific government of the body must be attained through the divine Mind. It is impossible to gain control over the body in any other way." She then adds: "On this fundamental point, timid conservatism is absolutely inadmissible. Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized."
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August 19, 1933 issue
View Issue-
A Complete Providing
On Knowing God
Scientific Restitution
The Supreme Confidence
Discerning "the signs of the times"
Simplicity in Christian Science
Overcoming Evil Suggestions
At the annual convention of Anglo-Catholic priests in...
John H. O'Loughlin,
Kindly allow me space to comment briefly on a letter...
Richard E. Prince,
I have read with interest the report of a recent local...
J. Latimer Davis,
Under the title "Christianity and Christian Science" a...
Count Helmuth von Moltke,
"Sickness as only thought"
Duncan Sinclair
The Feast, not Excuses
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Gove S. Taylor, Mildred P. Kindy, Eleanor C. Hawley, Winfield C. Vaughn, Vyse B. Whedon, William Schaefer, Phebe N. Burbridge, Norah M. Jackman, Daisy L. Whittaker
Christian Science came into my experience at a time...
Mildred A. Miller
Christian Science first found me about fourteen years...
Luisa Rosenthal with contributions from Walter Rosenthal
Christian Science came into our lives over five years ago,...
Lydia D. Steinmetz with contributions from Edward Charles Steinmetz, Edward Steinmetz
This testimony is sent with the prayer that it may give...
Harry Klemptner with contributions from Dorothy M. Klemptner
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I acknowledge...
Willie Ross Deputy
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roy L. Smith, Walter Lippmann, Josiah Sibley