
Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 106), "Like our nation, Christian Science has its Declaration of Independence;" and on page 225: "Whatever enslaves man is opposed to the divine government. Truth makes man free."

Christian Scientists have great reason to be grateful for Mrs. Eddy's discovery of the truth which Christ Jesus said would make us free. Today the world seems engulfed in the thralldom of fear, panic, discouragement, lack, injustice, crime, and distress in many forms; but students of Christian Science know that there is emancipation from these enslaving beliefs; hence the hope that is within them. As they are prompt, faithful, and persistent in their efforts to apply and live the understanding of good which they have gained through the study of Christian Science they can convincingly declare that the Christ, operating in human consciousness, casts out and destroys the evils of false belief.

One definition of "emancipate" is, "To free from any controlling influence, esp. from anything that exerts undue or evil influence." Humanity is struggling today for release from evil influences, or false human beliefs, expressed in selfishness, greed, dishonesty, intemperance, lawlessness, which culminate in lack and unemployment. Christian Science, or the law of divine Mind, reveals the way of salvation from all this seeming bondage. Working out our salvation means gaining our own freedom from false concepts, and helping humanity as well. In our endeavor to forsake every error that confronts us we are assured by Mrs. Eddy's words (Science and Health, p. 226), "God has built a higher platform of human rights, and He has built it on diviner claims."

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Profit and Loss
February 11, 1933

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