Christian scientists
actually are privileged to have fifty-three public thanksgiving services a year; for is not each midweek testimonial meeting an occasion of praise and thanksgiving, and a happy precursor of the annual Thanksgiving service, for which a special Lesson-Sermon is prepared?
annual Thanksgiving service held by Christian Science organizations throughout the world affords an opportunity, to those who have received the unspeakable benefits of Christian Science, of publicly acknowledging their gratitude for the good that they now realize.
we grow in the understanding of Christian Science it becomes increasingly clear that there are no problems, touching either an individual or a branch church, which can withstand the power of divine Love.
Christian science,
the great revelation of Truth to this age, unfolds the spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures and reveals God as divine Principle, Love, Spirit, and man as made in the image and likeness of God, hence spiritual.
son, you have read the lives of some of the truly great men and women of history; what characteristic in particular did you note as contributing largely to their greatness and success?
Leicester Lemont Jackson, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
The remarks of a minister speaking before the preconvention meeting of the Alabama Baptists' Council as reported in your columns recently, in which Christian Science was classed as a "heresy," call for a few words of comment.
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
I am impelled to ask your indulgence in affording space for a further reply to your correspondent on this subject [Christian Science], inasmuch as he persists in quoting detached passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in support of theories which her books, taken as a whole, do not teach.
Stanley M. Sydenham, acting Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In the "Medical Column" of your last issue, under the subheading "Mind and Matter," your contributor states: "There are some forms of religious belief with which, however sincerely they may be held, medical men cannot agree.
John M. Dean, former Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
While they may not altogether agree with some of your conclusions, Christian Scientists generally will appreciate your courteous editorial concerning The Christian Science Monitor's treatment of crime news.
The growth of the administrative departments of The Mother Church during the last twenty years has been so marked, having resulted in the establishment of twenty-six departments and Trusteeships where formerly three or four were sufficient, that a series of items naming the present offices and describing their activities will appear in this column.
I have received many blessings and healings through the understanding and application of Christian Science, and I am happy to express my gratitude and testify to this healing power.
More than twenty-five years ago, after being given up by doctors—three of them specialists who diagnosed my case as nervous prostration, malnutrition of the nerves, and strong religious monomania—I was persuaded by my daughter, who had become interested in Christian Science, to have treatments; and in less than three weeks I was well and happy.
thankful heart, God's near and dearAnd faithful care adore!Let joy too at the feast appear,In radiant thought hold bright and clearLove's ever present store.
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