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Spiritual Vision
When the heart is lifted in praise to God after some demonstration of the truth as revealed by Christian Science, spiritual vision is acute, and objects of true creation which before were unseen may become visible to spiritual sense. At such times passages from the Bible illuminated by spiritual understanding are wont to flood thought as heavenly messages or angels. Through spiritual sense the divine facts underlying all human situations may be brought out, until it is seen that the true universe is here, and God is governing. Jesus said, "O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee." The student of Christian Science may also look out from this altitude of spiritual understanding in the way Jesus did, through demonstration accomplished.
Mary Baker Eddy under divine direction has been able to state Christianity in terms of divine Science, and to make plain thereby the healing method of Christ Jesus. In her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (pp. 476, 477), Mrs. Eddy gives the reason for the Master's perfect healing power. She writes: "Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick." To human sense it may often appear difficult to see this perfect man and to have this correct view; nevertheless, the honest effort to do so in this right and scientific way will always bring good results. In Christian demonstration it is necessary to have entire reliance on God, good, in order to rise above material sense testimony through perception of the divine facts.
A student of Christian Science had allowed himself to get disturbed in contemplation of a business interview with one who on a former occasion apparently had evinced a measure of antagonism to Christian Science. The mental distress became so marked the night before the interview that specific mental work to heal the situation had to be done. With the aid of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook an honest yet somewhat labored effort was made to approach the view of man as divine Principle, God, created him and sees him eternally; that is, as incorporeal, spiritual, perfect, the likeness of God, reflecting Him in all things, therefore always answering to spiritual law and the holy government of his creator. The results were notable, for the next morning not only was the necessary business immediately concluded in perfect harmony and in a generous manner, but eager questions concerning Christian Science were put to the student, who was able to lend the Christian Science textbook and extend an invitation to the local church, both being gratefully accepted.
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July 9, 1932 issue
View Issue-
Communion and Companionship
In Witness
From Conservatism to Conviction
Spiritual Vision
The Guidance of Divine Love
More Jonathans
The Substitute Sunday School Teacher
Keeping the Door Shut
The gracious references to Christian Science in an article...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
A correspondent in a letter in the Newcastle Journal of...
John H. O'Loughlin, Committee on Publication for Northumberland,
In your issue of September 30, in the article "The Appropriation...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
Love's Plan
Violet Ker Seymer
Proper Procedure
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Helen M. Denny, George Potenger, Mary Bode, Elisabeth T. Morse, Beatrice M. Whitley, Gwendollyn Llewellyn Foss, Charles Jackson Jones, Mabel A. Salt, George Henry Trader
With an earnest desire that this may encourage someone...
Mary Scott Boston with contributions from Charles E. Boston
With a desire to obey the injunction, "In all thy ways...
Mary R. Normandin
Having received so many benefits from reading the testimonies...
William Willard Mulvaney
I want to express my gratitude for more than twenty years...
Pearl Ryan Whiffen
It is with deepest gratitude that I give this testimony...
Elizabeth S. Leeds
In 1919, when I was serving on a British cruiser stationed...
Percival Hunt Ogden
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Canon Rowed, Herbert Welch, Fred Smith