fear and pessimism may argue to the contrary, as Christian Scientists we are persuaded that the action of The Christian Science Board of Directors in undertaking to build a new Publishing House at this time is both wise and timely; and we are grateful for the courage and alertness that prompted this call to justify our faith in God as the source of supply.
several instances in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, points to the detrimental side of conservatism.
the heart is lifted in praise to God after some demonstration of the truth as revealed by Christian Science, spiritual vision is acute, and objects of true creation which before were unseen may become visible to spiritual sense.
who is privileged to serve in the capacity of substitute Sunday school teacher needs constantly to abide at the gate "Beautiful," a state of thought meaning, according to one authority, "opportune, ripe, fit.
an old fairy tale the story was told about the mother of the family going to town and leaving the children alone to keep house ! Always she told them never to open the door to any stranger while she was away, and always the children replied that they would keep the door tightly shut.
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
In your issue of September 30, in the article "The Appropriation of Faith and Salvation," Christian Science was mentioned, concerning which the writer of the article says: "There is a grain of truth in these things.
A rose
unfolds its petals day by day,Its growth invisible to mortal eye;So opens out for us God's ordered way,Already settled, while we vainly tryTo plan our lives.
Let the layman ask a building expert for the latest information about the new Publishing House and he may be told that all is going well, but that the processes are the same as those already described in these columns.
When sending a change of address, the following points should always be included in the request: New address; old address; name of each periodical subscribed for.
with contributions from Helen M. Denny, George Potenger, Mary Bode, Elisabeth T. Morse, Beatrice M. Whitley, Gwendollyn Llewellyn Foss, Charles Jackson Jones, Mabel A. Salt, George Henry Trader
Mary Scott Boston
with contributions from Charles E. Boston
With an earnest desire that this may encourage someone who is also searching for comfort and relief, and in gratitude for all that Christian Science has done and is doing for me, I send this testimony.
With a desire to obey the injunction, "In all thy ways acknowledge him," I send my testimony of the power of God, through Christian Science, to heal, regenerate, and sustain.
Having received so many benefits from reading the testimonies given in the Christian Science periodicals I feel it my duty to share my experiences with others.
the chime of the golden bells,When Aaron entered the Holy of HoliesIn the ancient Hebrew tabernacle,O'er listening silence, purest melody—So is love divine within the heart.
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with contributions from Helen M. Denny, George Potenger, Mary Bode, Elisabeth T. Morse, Beatrice M. Whitley, Gwendollyn Llewellyn Foss, Charles Jackson Jones, Mabel A. Salt, George Henry Trader