In the year 1866, Mary Baker Eddy saw that the divine...

Nebraska's Own Magazine,

In the year 1866, Mary Baker Eddy saw that the divine Principle which casts out sin also heals disease. Although she had long been an earnest student of the Bible, her attention at the moment of her discovery became fixed as never before on the passage containing the following words of Christ Jesus: "For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?" Quite generally the belief had prevailed that the power exercised by Christ Jesus was specially and exclusively bestowed on him, or was for a limited number or time, thus tending to the impression that his spiritual understanding of Life was beyond the range of possibility for others here. However, the Master's words, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," did not escape the attention of Mrs. Eddy. She believed that Christ Jesus, as the Saviour, did not show to mortals a way they could not follow, but rather the only way by which they could expect permanently to rise above the suffering resulting from ignorance of God.

Mrs. Eddy gave to her discovery the name of Christian Science and defined it thus: "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1). The devoted followers of Christian Science are proving for themselves and others that the Christ really is properly understood and identified among us to-day, and that by it real spiritual healing of sickness and sin is being accomplished in our midst.

Christian Science is not the action of the so-called human mind, commonly referred to as autosuggestion, suggestive therapeutics, and so on, nor can it be used in any manner for an evil purpose. Those who have experienced the spiritual healing which Christian Science confers are well aware that the good effects are from a source not of this world. They know well the nature of their struggles to look away from the world and to God, Life, Truth, and Love. They know well the character of the transformation taking place in their consciousness, establishing within them more real love for God and man, and turning their attention from material beliefs to spiritual ideas.

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January 16, 1932

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