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Profitable Exchange
The word "exchange" means giving up one thing in order to receive another; and in the business world equity rightly requires that a just equivalent should accompany this exchange. Lifting one's thought from the interchange of material things into the realm of consciousness, what is found to be the effect of Christian Science in human experience? It is a mental change of base from the material to the spiritual and, consequently, a constant gain of higher standards of health, morality, happiness, and usefulness.
A dictionary defines "exchange" as the "act of substituting one thing for another; as, an exchange of grief for joy;" and Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 531), "The human mind will sometime rise above all material and physical sense, exchanging it for spiritual perception, and exchanging human concepts for the divine consciousness." What is the human concept of man and the universe? Even taken at its best, it is always of a temporal and limited nature. Moreover, there inevitably is some fear entertained in connection with the belief in materiality. To some, sickness and pain seem unendurable, and the sufferer looks to death for release. Others, believing that their happiness and prosperity center upon persons and possessions, are haunted by the dread of being parted from them.
What is gained through exchanging physical sense for spiritual perception? In spite of the seemingly overwhelming evidence of materiality and mortality, a spiritual conviction of security, purity, eternality, unalterable harmony is apprehended. This spiritual exchange enables the Christian Scientist to find happiness and satisfaction not outside of himself, or in merely outward ways, but within his own consciousness. It enables him to outgrow fear and selfishness by proving his real relationship to God, and the dominion this gives him. So he daily exchanges finite sense, with all its torments, for spiritual sense, with all its blessedness.
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July 27, 1929 issue
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"Blessed are the merciful"
True Character
"Will a man rob God?"
The Lesson of Elijah in the Cave
Expectation versus Resignation
Our Debts
The impression of Mrs. Eddy, gained from personal acquaintance,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
Your issue of the 4th inst. contains a report of a meeting...
Mrs. Harriet J. Jewson, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
Students of Christian Science protest very strongly...
George W. Martin, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
In your issue of March 16 a rabbi prefaces his criticism of...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Referring to a recent editorial in the Ledger on the subject...
Arthur J. Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
Come Walk with Love!
On Taking the Human Footsteps
Albert F. Gilmore
Profitable Exchange
Violet Ker Seymer
On Resisting Evil
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Dane R. J. Huckvale, Cora Densmore, Evelyn B. Chandler
One New Year's Eve, with an earnest desire to be shown...
Pearl Cole Nelson
After suffering for several years from a serious trouble...
Isolina Azpeitia de Acosta with contributions from Angela Ramirez de Azpeitia
I suffered for some years from what the physicians...
Samuel D. Weil
After suffering for many years with what was called...
Fannette S. Kahn
The testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and...
Marguerite F. Slaughter
This is to tell of an instantaneous healing which I experienced...
Mary McNeil Fenollosa
"How and when did you come to hear of Christian Science?"...
Edwin W. Cowlishaw
For three or four years prior to the summer of 1918, I...
Lulu B. Minton
Several years ago a physician stated that it would be...
Kate L. Blethen
Reflecting Good
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bryan H. Reed, H. L. Bowman, Cleland B. McAfee