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Items of Interest
On July 11, the Stars and Stripes flew for the first time over the Pacific Coast sanatorium, which is now building. It is more or less customary among structural iron erectors that when the last rivet is driven in the steel or iron construction of any building, the American flag is hoisted. Thus it was signified late in the afternoon of July 11 that the steel work of the sanatorium, one hundred and six feet in height at the center and three hundred and eighty-five feet long at the foundation level, had been completed. The steel framework is a most excellent piece of construction. The building is to be a reinforced solid concrete structure throughout with a tile roof, and the concrete work should be completed in about three months. The concrete construction of the attached garage has been poured, stripped, and partially finished. The heating, plumbing, electrical, and reinforcing subcontractors are all at work. Contributions are being received by the Treasurer of The Mother Church toward the completion of this project, which under favorable conditions it is hoped will continue uninterrupted.
Recently the Board of Directors were asked the question whether The Christian Science Monitor is an organ of The Mother Church. Their reply was that the Monitor is one of the Christian Science periodicals and in the full sense is therefore an organ of The Mother Church. In a more limited or strict sense The Christian Science Journal is the original organ of The Mother Church, and it contains the cards of branch churches and societies and the cards of Christian Science practitioners and nurses, also those of Christian Science organizations at universities and colleges. Nevertheless, when Mrs. Eddy established the Christian Science Weekly, later known as the Christian Science Sentinel, she indicated that she then saw the need of communicating with the Field oftener than could be done through a monthly periodical. Thus the Sentinel became an organ of The Mother Church, although designation to this effect was never placed upon its cover. Later, The Christian Science Monitor was established as one of the Christian Science periodicals and therefore one of the organs of The Mother Church.
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July 27, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"Blessed are the merciful"
True Character
"Will a man rob God?"
The Lesson of Elijah in the Cave
Expectation versus Resignation
Our Debts
The impression of Mrs. Eddy, gained from personal acquaintance,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
Your issue of the 4th inst. contains a report of a meeting...
Mrs. Harriet J. Jewson, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
Students of Christian Science protest very strongly...
George W. Martin, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
In your issue of March 16 a rabbi prefaces his criticism of...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Referring to a recent editorial in the Ledger on the subject...
Arthur J. Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
Come Walk with Love!
On Taking the Human Footsteps
Albert F. Gilmore
Profitable Exchange
Violet Ker Seymer
On Resisting Evil
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Dane R. J. Huckvale, Cora Densmore, Evelyn B. Chandler
One New Year's Eve, with an earnest desire to be shown...
Pearl Cole Nelson
After suffering for several years from a serious trouble...
Isolina Azpeitia de Acosta with contributions from Angela Ramirez de Azpeitia
I suffered for some years from what the physicians...
Samuel D. Weil
After suffering for many years with what was called...
Fannette S. Kahn
The testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and...
Marguerite F. Slaughter
This is to tell of an instantaneous healing which I experienced...
Mary McNeil Fenollosa
"How and when did you come to hear of Christian Science?"...
Edwin W. Cowlishaw
For three or four years prior to the summer of 1918, I...
Lulu B. Minton
Several years ago a physician stated that it would be...
Kate L. Blethen
Reflecting Good
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bryan H. Reed, H. L. Bowman, Cleland B. McAfee